Pivotal moment for Bradley Manning and Julian Assange cases – via STWC, Britain.

Pivotal moment for Bradley Manning and Julian Assange cases – via STWC, Britain.

We will learn soon whether Julian Assange is to be granted political asylum in Ecuador or whether he is to be arrested and extradicted to Sweden. The Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire has publicly urged Ecuador to grant Assange asylum, saying, If Julian Assange ends up in a US prison, who’s next? See http://bit.ly/MnOVTI

The fear that extradition to Sweden will just be a staging post for rendering Julian Assange to the United States to receive the treatment now being meted out to Bradley Manning is very real. At the pre-trial hearing this week for Bradley Manning’s court martial, the US government said it had proof that he "knowingly aided the enemy". This is a charge which carries the death penalty and, if found guilty, Bradley Manning is likely at least to spend the rest of his life in prison.

The US government’s intention is clearly not just to destroy Wikileaks, but by making an example of Bradley Manning and Julian Assange, to deter any potential whistlebowers in the future from revealing wrongdoing by the US government or military. (See Expose the truth like Bradley Manning and we’ll lock you up for life: http://bit.ly/OfHOek).

The anti-war movement needs to give its unreserved support for Wikileaks, Bradley Manning and Julian Assange, who have made such a huge contribution to lifting the veil on the war policies and crimes that are

Pivotal moment for Bradley Manning and Julian Assange cases – via STWC, Britain.

We will learn soon whether Julian Assange is to be granted political asylum in Ecuador or whether he is to be arrested and extradicted to Sweden. The Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire has publicly urged Ecuador to grant Assange asylum, saying, If Julian Assange ends up in a US prison, who’s next? See http://bit.ly/MnOVTI

The fear that extradition to Sweden will just be a staging post for rendering Julian Assange to the United States to receive the treatment now being meted out to Bradley Manning is very real. At the pre-trial hearing this week for Bradley Manning’s court martial, the US government said it had proof that he "knowingly aided the enemy". This is a charge which carries the death penalty and, if found guilty, Bradley Manning is likely at least to spend the rest of his life in prison.

The US government’s intention is clearly not just to destroy Wikileaks, but by making an example of Bradley Manning and Julian Assange, to deter any potential whistlebowers in the future from revealing wrongdoing by the US government or military. (See Expose the truth like Bradley Manning and we’ll lock you up for life: http://bit.ly/OfHOek).

The anti-war movement needs to give its unreserved support for Wikileaks, Bradley Manning and Julian Assange, who have made such a huge contribution to lifting the veil on the war policies and crimes that are

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