
The Irish Anti-War Movement

Protest at the EU Offices, Mount Street followed by a march to the Dáil on Wednesday 31 January from 5.30pm to demand that the Irish Government file an intervention in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Genocide Case

Palestine solidarity and student groups have called a protest outside the European Commission Representation in Dublin (Mount Street Lower) on Wednesday at 5:30pm, where masses are expected to gather to demand intervention by the Irish Government to the ICJ regarding the Genocide Case against Israel. 

Dáil Éireann is due to vote on a motion that calls upon the Government to ‘commence the process of preparing for participation in the case, including drafting comprehensive written observations to submit at the relevant phase(s); and

support the ICJ in its exercise of jurisdiction in this case, in particular, to defend the Court, and by association the international rule of law, from any attacks on its performance of this duty, through any appropriate means necessary’.

The motion quotes Article 1 of the Genocide Convention, which places an obligation on State parties to the Genocide Convention to take measures to prevent genocide.

Additionally, it is noted that the ICJ confirmed the validity of investigating the risk of genocide and that several states have indicated their intention to join the case against Israel.

This time last week, thousands gathered outside of Leinster House to demand the same from the Government, and as a result, the Government has agreed to ‘seriously consider’ intervening in the case before the ICJ.

Richard Boyd Barrett, People Before Profit TD said “With the International Court of Justice now having ruled that Israel has a case to answer for genocide for its massacre in Gaza, it would be an outrage if our government did not now join the South African case.

Additionally, Mr. Boyd Barrett urged “But critically, all governments who are signatories of the Genocide Convention have a legal obligation to do all in their power to stop Israel from committing further acts of genocide or themselves being complicit with genocide. That means Ireland must now impose meaningful sanctions on Israel and publicly call on EU states and the US to stop providing arms and support to a state that might be used in a genocide.”

Protesters will be marching to Leinster House to reiterate their demand and also their outrage at the threats of defunding the UNRWA, the primary caregiving agency to Palestinian refugees, which many European Member States have announced they will cut funding to.

Palestinian and Vice-President of the Union of Students in Ireland, Zaid Al-Barghouthi, has expressed the Union’s support of the protest:

“Students have mobilized week in, week out, to demand an end to the inaction by our government about the genocide happening under their watch in Gaza. Students have an inherent interest in collectively mobilizing for causes of social justice, which is at the top of our agenda. We urge our members to join us tomorrow to make their concerns known to the government and its European counterparts”.

Jim Roche, Secretary and PRO of the Steering Committee, Irish Anti-War Movement said:

“The historic ICJ ruling could not be clearer. South Africa’s noble case was upheld as being plausible while all of the arguments presented by the Israeli legal team were rejected, including its lengthy claim of its right to self-defense, by a massive majority of judges. The only way that Israel can abide by the six points in the ICJ ruling is to have a ceasefire. Israel responded by killing another 180 Palestinians in the first 24 hours after the ruling. It is thus already in breach of the ICJ ruling. The Irish Government must now get off the fence and support South Africa’s genocide case. Its continued prevarication at this stage beggars belief. In addition, it should immediately sanction Israel and expel the Israeli Ambassador.”


Zaid al-Barghouti, Vice-President, USI: Tel. 087 7201903

Sara O Rourke, Chair Steering Committee IAWM: Tel. 087 6024821

Fatin Al Tamimi, IPSC Vice-Chairperson: Tel. 086 0267721

Jim Roche, Secretary & PRO Steering Committee IAWM: Tel. 087 6472737

End of release

List of organizers

  • The Union of Students in Ireland (USI)
  • Mothers Against Genocide
  • Academics for Palestine  
  • Palestinian Rights Institute
  • Irish Anti-War Movement
  • Action for Palestine Ireland
  • Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign
  • Teachers for Palestine


  • Zaid Al-Barghouthi (USI) (MC)
  • Palestinian activist in diaspora
  • Richard Boyd Barrett TD
  • Spokesperson from Mothers Against Genocide
  • Irish Anti-War Movement

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