
The Irish Anti-War Movement

29th January 2011 – AGM Motions are now Available On-Line and Protest at Egyptian Embassy


  1. Annual General Meeting – Sat 29th January 2011 – Central Hotel Dublin
    1. List of Motions and Nominations to Steering Committee 15th January 2011
    2. Agenda.
    3. Who can Attend and Vote at The AGM
    4. Submitting Resolutions.
    5. Registration.
    6. Membership Fees.
  2. WikiLeaks The Truth – Public Meeting Central Hotel Dublin – 29th January 2011 15:00 – 17:00.
  3. Protest at Egyptian Embassy Friday 28th January 2:30pm
  4. Donating to the Irish Anti-War Movement
    1. Setup a Standing Order


1. Annual General Meeting – Sat 29th January 2011 – Central Hotel Dublin

The Irish Anti War Movement Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Saturday 29th January 2011 in the Central Hotel Exchequer Street Dublin.  Registration will begin at 11:30AM.



  1. Annual General Meeting – Sat 29th January 2011 – Central Hotel Dublin
    1. List of Motions and Nominations to Steering Committee 15th January 2011
    2. Agenda.
    3. Who can Attend and Vote at The AGM
    4. Submitting Resolutions.
    5. Registration.
    6. Membership Fees.
  2. WikiLeaks The Truth – Public Meeting Central Hotel Dublin – 29th January 2011 15:00 – 17:00.
  3. Protest at Egyptian Embassy Friday 28th January 2:30pm
  4. Donating to the Irish Anti-War Movement
    1. Setup a Standing Order


1. Annual General Meeting – Sat 29th January 2011 – Central Hotel Dublin

The Irish Anti War Movement Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Saturday 29th January 2011 in the Central Hotel Exchequer Street Dublin.  Registration will begin at 11:30AM.


1-1. List of Motions and Nominations to Steering Committee 15th January 2011

The Motions can be downloaded from here: https://www.irishantiwar.org/files/IAWM_AGM_RESOLUTIONS.pdf

Note: There are two motions which were posted in which have not been included here they will be available at the AGM with the other motions.


1-2. Agenda for Annual General Meeting

11:30 – 12:00 Registration.

12:00 – 12:10 Treasurers Report.

12:10 – 14:00 Motions & Election of Committee.

14:00 – 15:00 Lunch.

15:00 – 17:00 WikiLeaks The Truth Public Meeting.

1-3. Who can Attend and Vote at The AGM

  1. All members may attend a general meeting provided that the current membership fee has been paid in advance of the meeting. All affiliates may send one delegate to a general meeting provided that the current affiliation fee has been paid in advance of the meeting.
  2. All members and delegates have one vote each at a general meeting.
  3. A decision of a general meeting of the IAWM is binding on the SC and overrides any previous decisions. This constitution may only be amended by a general meeting. However, amendments to this constitution may be made by the next quarterly delegate meeting held after the general meeting of 08 May 2004, which adopted this constitution.
  4. A steering committee shall be elected at each AGM.
  5. Draft resolutions and nominations for the steering committee should be submitted to the Secretary at least 14 days beforehand. The secretary shall publish draft resolutions at least 7 days beforehand.


1-4. Submitting Resolutions

Resolutions may be submitted in the following ways:

  1. By E-mail:- To the secretary via e-mail info@irishantiwar.org

  2. By Post:- Send the resolutions to The Irish Anti-War Movement, PO Box 9260 Dublin 1.


1-5. Registration

Members may register in the following ways:

  1. Registration can be done on-line by following this link https://www.irishantiwar.org/node/1046 and then clicking on the "Sign up for Annual General Meeting".
  2. Registration can also be done on the morning of the AGM.


1-6. Membership Fees

  • €5 Unwaged or Students.
  • €10 Waged.

All members who have taken out standing orders or who have paid through PayPal do not need to pay a registration fee.

To set-up a standing order with the Irish-Anti War Movement please go to the following link https://www.irishantiwar.org/files/standing-order-form.doc fill in the form and post to the Irish Anti-War Movement P.O. Box 9260 Dublin 1.

For more info on all IAWM activities please see website www.irishantiwar.org 

2. WikiLeaks The Truth – Public Meeting Central Hotel Dublin 15:00 – 17:00

Harry Brown (Lecturer in Journalism) will speak in the Central Hotel Dublin 15:00 – 17:00 on the topic of WikiLeaks and the campaign against Julianl Assange being waged after he leaked top-secret US documents.

These documents have shed light on the way international relations work and have exposed many items which political leaders would prefer that people did not know.

Since the leaking of these top secret documents there has been a concerted campaign against WikiLeaks and Julianl Assange.

The web site has been removed.

  1. PayPal has stopped processing donations to WikiLeaks
  2. Julianl Assange has been brought up on trumped up charges.
  3. Death threats have been made to Julianl Assange



3. Protest at Egyptian Embassy Friday 28th January 2:30pm

The Irish Anti War-Movement is holding a picket of the Egyptian Embassy, Clyde Road. Ballsbridge. Dublin 4, at 2.30pm on Friday 28th January in solidarity with protesters in Egypt, demanding democracy and an end to the dictatorship of President Hosni Mubarak.

The Dublin protest was called following yesterday’s events in Egypt, where tens of thousands of protestors calling for the resignation of President Murbarak have been met with tear gas, killings and imprisonment. Protesters who jammed Cairo’s huge Tahrir Square yesterday participated in the biggest political demonstration seen in the Egyptian capital in more than 30 years.

4. Donating to the Irish Anti-War Movement

4-2.  Setup a Standing Order

To set-up a standing order with the Irish-Anti War Movement please go to the following link https://www.irishantiwar.org/files/standing-order-form.doc fill in the form and post to the Irish Anti-War Movement P.O. Box 9260 Dublin 1.


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