
The Irish Anti-War Movement

Amnesty International presents: Gig for Justice for Gaza

Demanding Justice for War Crimes in Gaza and Southern Israel

Demanding Justice for War Crimes in Gaza and Southern Israel
The Rags / Sick and Indigent Song Club / The Gandhis / I Draw Slow
When: Sunday 20th September 2009, 7.30pm
Where: Button Factory, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
How Much: Tickets €10 each, available at the door
“Until now we don’t understand why. We want peace; and we want an investigation; we want to know why me and my sisters have been orphaned. Why did they kill our parents, our family?”.
Fathiya Mousa, from Gaza, whose parents and siblings were killed in an Israeli air strike while sitting in their yard.
On 27 December 2008, without warning, Israeli forces began a devastating bombing campaign on the Gaza Strip codenamed Operation “Cast Lead”. Its aim was to end rocket attacks into Israel by Palestinian armed groups. By 18 January 2009, when a ceasefire was declared, some 1,400 Palestinians had been killed, including some 300 children and hundreds of other unarmed civilians, and large areas of Gaza had been razed to the ground, leaving many thousands homeless and the already dire economy in ruins.
After the carnage in Gaza and Southern Israel, Amnesty International is demanding accountability for all victims. While the conflict may have left the headlines, the suffering of victims on both sides has not stopped. Little is mentioned about the people of Gaza who are still trying to rebuild with limited resources, facing many hardships under the ongoing blockade such as food insecurities and insufficient medical care. Victims in Southern Israel have lost their fragile sense of safety as they are living in constant fear of attacks by armed Palestinian groups.
A UN fact finding mission recently investigated allegations of violations of international human rights law and humanitarian law committed by both conflicting parties. Amnesty International hopes this inquiry, due to report mid to late September, will help achieve accountability and justice for all victims.
What Can We Do To Help?
The feeling of helplessness, when confronted with these atrocities, is shared by many; but we can make a difference by using our voices, demanding that Palestinians and Israelis alike be entitled to justice. Join us on September 20th for a night of great live music from some of Ireland’s best talent, and help us demand accountability and justice for the people of Gaza and Israel. Proceeds from the Gig for Justice will go towards Amnesty International’s work on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
For more information, check www.amnesty.ie, email campaigns_assistant@amnesty.ie or phone 01 863 8302

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