
The Irish Anti-War Movement

Amnesty International Public talk: Defining the “war on terror” can be torture

Amnesty International presents Conor Gearty (London School of Economics), Clara Gutteridge (Reprieve) and Richard Boyd Barrett (Irish Anti-War movement) at a public talk to discuss the “war on terror”.

Human rights are under threat. After the tragic events of 11 September 2001 in the US, human rights have come under attack in a way unimaginable a few years ago. In the new security climate, governments have undermined international human rights standards that protect people from abuse. Some use it as an excuse to persecute their political opponents. Some use it as an excuse to torture. Torture does not stop terror. Torture is terror.

Don’t ignore it. You can stop it. Join us to find out more.

Amnesty International presents Conor Gearty (London School of Economics), Clara Gutteridge (Reprieve) and Richard Boyd Barrett (Irish Anti-War movement) at a public talk to discuss the “war on terror”.

Human rights are under threat. After the tragic events of 11 September 2001 in the US, human rights have come under attack in a way unimaginable a few years ago. In the new security climate, governments have undermined international human rights standards that protect people from abuse. Some use it as an excuse to persecute their political opponents. Some use it as an excuse to torture. Torture does not stop terror. Torture is terror.

Don’t ignore it. You can stop it. Join us to find out more.

Who: Conor Gearty is Director of the Centre for the Study of Human Rights and professor of human rights law at the London School of Economics.

Clara Gutteridge works as a lawyer with Reprieve, who represents prisoners facing execution at the hands of the state in the conventional criminal justice system, or those subject to imprisonment outside the reach of the law in the “war on terror.” Clara is now one of two investigators working on a wide-ranging project to uncover the scope of the global rendition and secret detention system, with a particular focus on European state collusion.

Richard Boyd Barrett is Chairperson of the Irish anti-war movement who have organised several anti-war marches in Ireland and have consistently protested against the use of Shannon by the US military. Richard was a People Before Profit candidate in the most recent election for the Dun Laoighre Constituency.

Kieran Clifford is the Campaigns and Activism Manager with the Irish Section of Amnesty International.

Chair: Fiona Crowley, the Research and Legal Manager with the Irish Section of Amnesty International.

Admission is free and all are welcome. For further information please contact info@amnesty.ie or call 01 6776361

Find out more about human rights abuses in the “war on terror”


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