
The Irish Anti-War Movement

ANTI-WAR EVENTS THIS WEEK: BRADLEY MANNING & Boycott Israeli Goods Day of Action



1. BRADLEY MANNING – 1,000 Days in Prison – Enough is Enough!

2. IPSC EVENT – [Dublin] IAW 2013: Boycott Israeli Goods Day of Action




1. BRADLEY MANNING – 1,000 Days in Prison – Enough is Enough!

Saturday 23 February 2013 International Day of Action

So far events are planned in Canada, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, UK, US, Ireland

Dublin: Information and Leafleting Speak Out event: 1pm – 3pm Saturday 23rd February 2013. Venue: GPO O’Connell Street, Dublin.

Everyone welcome to help distribute information leaflets

For more information please contact People Against War Network – nowar@eircom.net   (Or June Kelly 086 1963134)


The Bradley Manning Support Network (BMSN) has called for an International Day of Action in support of Bradley Manning, the 24-year-old gay US soldier,

charged with blowing the whistle on US war crimes by giving thousands of documents to Wikileaks, including the infamous “Collateral Murder” (of civilians) video.

Imprisoned in May 2010, Bradley was for months kept in solitary confinement while he faced other torture. On 23rd February he will have been detained for 1,000

days without trial.The military pro- secutor is seeking a life sentence for his having got the truth out to us. 

Julian Assange, Wikileaks chief, who is accused & attacked but never been charged, has taken refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, protected from

extradition to Sweden and to the US, where he would be treated like Bradley.

No pride in the slaughter of others. Bradley Manning is part of the tradition of openly gay men who refuse to kill, torture and rape as part of the armies of the world.

Bradley Manning is of the 99%

We urge all in the anti-war, refuseniks, veterans, whistle-blowers, prisoners support, LGBTQ and women’s movements – in fact everyone in the 99% who

supports justice — to join in defence of Bradley Manning on 23 February.

What you can do:
• Join in the actions planned (see BMSN list of events or our websites below). Translate this message and send to your networks.
• Organize demos, meetings, small or big, tell your local press register your action on the BMSN website.
• Send messages of support to BMSN. (cc Payday & freebradde and we’ll publish on our websites.)
• Sign Daniel Ellsberg’s petition (Pentagon Papers whistle-blower)
Whistleblowing is not a crime! Invest in caring, not killing!
Drop all charges – Free Bradley Manning now!

Payday men’s network & Queer Strike UK
freebradde Germany

Related Link: http://www.refusingtokill.net




2. IPSC EVENT – [Dublin] IAW 2013: Boycott Israeli Goods Day of Action

Sat, 23 February 2013, 14:00 The Spire, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1.



To kick off Israeli Apartheid Week 2013, we ask you to join the IPSC Dublin branch for a Boycott Israeli Goods day of action. Assemble at 2pm at the Spire, O’Connell Street. From there we will visit several city centre outlets that stock Israeli goods, making consumers aware of their presence, the connection between these products and the occupation of Palestine and asking people to boycott them. After the action, we will remain on the streets collecting signatures asking the Irish Government to call for the suspension of Israel from the Euro-Med agreement, which grants it special trading privileges with the EU.



Israeli exports – from both the illegal settlements and inside Israel – contribute to the economy of Israel’s apartheid occupation regime and the oppression of the Palestinian people. Indeed, the Israeli government is dependent on a strong export-orientated economy and Europe is Israel’s largest trading partner.


Almost 200 organisations, representative of a broad spectrum of Palestinian civil society – trade unions, professional bodies such as  academic unions and associations, churches, medical unions, political organisations and NGOs – have called on the international community to endorse the call for a campaign of Boycott,


Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, similar to that which helped to end the apartheid regime in South Africa.



This event is organised by the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) as one of a series of events taking place around Ireland during international Israeli Apartheid Week 2013 (23 February – 2nd March). See the IAW 2013 page for a full list of events taking place around Ireland.


3.  Donating to the Irish Anti-War Movement
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