
The Irish Anti-War Movement









The news that the former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is to sign copies of his newly published memoirs at Eason’s in O’Connell St Dublin on September 4th has prompted the Galway Alliance Against War to call for him to be arrested for war crimes – specifically “for his unprovoked war of aggression against the defenceless people of Iraq”.









The news that the former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is to sign copies of his newly published memoirs at Eason’s in O’Connell St Dublin on September 4th has prompted the Galway Alliance Against War to call for him to be arrested for war crimes – specifically “for his unprovoked war of aggression against the defenceless people of Iraq”.


The Galway Alliance Against War acknowledges in its press release that the Irish State should arrest Blair rather than squander “a small fortune in taxpayers’ money protecting this war criminal.” The group therefore is calling on the local peace groups around the country to organise their own arrest committees with the specific aim of carrying out a peaceful citizen’s arrest of Tony Blair during his visit in September.  According to GAAW, Blair is due to appear on RTE’s “Late Late Show” on Friday 3rd September, so peace activists will have at least two opportunities to arrest the “British war criminal”.


“We believe that the many local peace groups dotted around the country should form their own Blair arrest committees with the aim of making a peaceful citizen’s arrest on September 3rd or 4th. Tony Blair – along with that other monster George Bush – is responsible for the deaths of over one million people in Iraq.”, stated Niall Farrell GAAW’s PRO. “There already exists the ‘Arrestblair.org’ website which has put a bounty on this war criminal’s head. The peace groups in Ireland should follow that lead, make a citizen’s arrest and claim that bounty.


“The Irish state will spend a small fortune in taxpayers’ money protecting this war criminal so that he can launch his self-serving memoirs in our country. This is a crime in itself, considering the outrageous cutbacks being carried out on our public services. Tony Blair is set to earn a fortune for this memoir, £4.6 million. Why should we the Irish people have to pay for his security? Since resigning as British Prime Minister in 2007 this man has accumulated £20 million much of it due to his links to the Bush administration. And the tight security that will surround the signing of this self-serving memoir in the centre of Dublin will cause major disruption to the city. This should not be countenanced for a man who should behind bars, not signing his ‘memoirs’.


“Dublin is set to be the first stop on Butcher Blair’s world tour book promotion. Thousands are expected to protest at his book signing in England a week later. It is up to the Irish peace movement to start the ball rolling.”




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