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Artists and Intellectuals Sign a Statement Demanding the Stepping Down of Mubarak – Sun, 6 February, 2011 20:17:46

Sun, 6 February, 2011 20:17:46
Artists and Intellectuals Sign a Statement Demanding the Stepping Down of Mubarak
Under the title “The solution to the Crisis begins with the Stepping Down of Mubarak ”, a group of intellectuals, artists and writers signed a statement demanding the stepping down of Mubarak right now as the only solution to the current crisis and turmoil. The statement came as a response to a call from the “Coalition of the Youth of The Egyptian Revolution “affirms that Mubarak is “ the cause of all the hardship that Egyptians endured through the past 30 years, the cause of the current paralysis of Egyptian economy, and the consequent suffering of many of the Egyptian people – especially those who depend on a daily wage. Also, it states that Mubarak “is inevitably responsible for the bloodshed that took place in the past few days through gangs of thugs, snipers, and security forces”.

Sun, 6 February, 2011 20:17:46
Artists and Intellectuals Sign a Statement Demanding the Stepping Down of Mubarak
Under the title “The solution to the Crisis begins with the Stepping Down of Mubarak ”, a group of intellectuals, artists and writers signed a statement demanding the stepping down of Mubarak right now as the only solution to the current crisis and turmoil. The statement came as a response to a call from the “Coalition of the Youth of The Egyptian Revolution “affirms that Mubarak is “ the cause of all the hardship that Egyptians endured through the past 30 years, the cause of the current paralysis of Egyptian economy, and the consequent suffering of many of the Egyptian people – especially those who depend on a daily wage. Also, it states that Mubarak “is inevitably responsible for the bloodshed that took place in the past few days through gangs of thugs, snipers, and security forces”.
The signatories point out that the stepping down of Mubarak is the first step towards a democratic system based on the abolition of emergency law and all freedom restrictive law, ensures the peaceful transfer of power, freedom to form political parties and syndicates, enabling all Egyptians to defend their interest in a decent life based on social justice, freedom and human dignity.
Sayyed Hegab – Poet
Alaa Elaswany – Novelist
Ahdaf Souif – Guardian Columnist and Novelist
Fatheyya El Assal – Scriptwriter
Fahmy Howiedy – Journalist and Columnist
Ibrahim Eissa – Ex-Editor-in-chief of El-Dostoor newspaper
Khaled Abo Elnaga – Actor
Khaled El Sawy – Actor
Dawood Abdel Sayyed – film Director
Mohamed Khan – Film Director
Khaled Yousef – Film Director
Basma – Actor
Amr Waked – Actor
Mahfouz Abdelrahman – scriptwriter
Belal Fadl – Columnist in El-Masry Elyoum newspaper and script writer
Amina EL-Rashid – Professor of French Literature in Cairo University
Sayyed El-Bahrawy – Professor of Arabic Literature
Mohamed Abla – Artist
Nader Fergany – Ex- Lead author, Editor, Arab Regional Human development Report, UNDP
Khaled Elbalshy – Editor-in-cheif of El-Badeel newspaper
Mohamed Ali – Film Dirctor
Kamla Abo Zekry – Film Director
Nancy Abdel Fatah -DOP
Mohamed Khair – Novelist
And 50 other artists and intellectuals
Shorook Newspaper Headquarters
Statement of the “Coalition of the Youths of the Wrath Revolution
Fellow Egyptian citizens… we are your sons, your daughters, your brothers and sisters who are protesting in Tahrir square and other squares
Of Egypt, we promise you we will not to go back to our homes until the demands of our great revolution are realized.
Millions have gone out to overthrow the regime, and so the matter goes beyond figures in particular to the whole administration of the Egyptian State, which was transformed from a servant of the people to a master of them.
We have heard the president’s disappointing speech. Moreover, someone who has killed more than 300 youths, kidnapped and injured thousands more is not entitled to brag about past glories. Nor are his followers entitled to talk about the President’s dignity, because the dignity, life and security of the Egyptian people is far more valuable than any single person’s dignity no matter how high a position he holds.
Our people live though tragedy for a week now, since Mubarak’s regime practiced a siege against us, releasing criminals and outlaws to terrorize us, imposing a curfew, stopping public transportation, closing banks, cutting off communications and shutting down the internet. However, if it were not for the courage of Egyptian youths who stayed up nights in the People’s Committees it would have been a terrible tragedy.
We want this crisis to end as soon as possible and for our lives and our families’ lives to get back to normal, but we do not trust Hosni Mubarak in leading the transitional period. He is the same person, who refused over the past 30 years any real political and economic reforms, and he hired criminals to attack Tahrir square and the peaceful demonstrators there, killing dozens and injuring thousands – including women, elderly, and children.
Also, we will not allow the corrupt to remain in charge of the state institutions; therefore, we will continue our sit-in until the following demands are realized:
1- The resignation of the President and by the way this does not contradict the peaceful transition of power nor the current constitution that allows and organizes this process.
2- The immediate lifting of the state of emergency and releasing all freedoms and putting an immediate stop to the humiliation and torture that takes place in police stations
3- The immediate dissolution of both the Parliament and Shura Council
4- Forming a national unity government that political forces agree upon which manages the processes of constitutional and political reform
5- Forming a judicial committee with the participation of some figures from local human rights organizations to investigate the perpetrators of the collapse of state security this past week and the murder and injury of thousands of our people.
6- Military in charge of protecting peaceful protestors from thugs and criminal affiliated with the corrupt regime and ensuring the safety of medical and nutritional convoys to civilians
7- The immediate release of all political detainees and in their forefront our colleague Wael Ghoneim
Long live Egypt and tons of freedom, democracy and social justice

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