
The Irish Anti-War Movement

Demonstration at Dail Eireann – Don’t Attack Iran – End Sanctions Now

Thursday 11th October 5.30pm – Assemble Dail Eireann – Kildare St, Dublin

The Irish Anti War Movement are calling a demostration at Dail Eireann calling on the Irish Government to condemn the almost daily threat of war and harsh sanctions imposed on the people of Iran. The sanctions are impacting severley on the most vuneralble sectors of Iranian society and are endorsed by the Irish government. They are allowing the Iranian regime to further repress women, civil rights activists and marginalized groups. There has been no evidence found to show that Iran is diverting uranium into a nuclear weapons programme and the threat of a military attack and debilitating sanctions are unlawful under the UN charter for human rights. Show solidarity with the people of Iran. Don’t attack Iran – End sanctions now

Thursday 11th October 5.30pm – Assemble Dail Eireann – Kildare St, Dublin

The Irish Anti War Movement are calling a demostration at Dail Eireann calling on the Irish Government to condemn the almost daily threat of war and harsh sanctions imposed on the people of Iran. The sanctions are impacting severley on the most vuneralble sectors of Iranian society and are endorsed by the Irish government. They are allowing the Iranian regime to further repress women, civil rights activists and marginalized groups. There has been no evidence found to show that Iran is diverting uranium into a nuclear weapons programme and the threat of a military attack and debilitating sanctions are unlawful under the UN charter for human rights. Show solidarity with the people of Iran. Don’t attack Iran – End sanctions now

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