
The Irish Anti-War Movement

Dublin: Protest to Call for Troops out of Haiti

Haiti Solidarity Ireland invite you to join them in calling for the removal of American and other international occupation troops from Haiti with a picket of the American embassy in Dublin on February 25 from 6-7pm.

The protest will also call for the right of ordinary Haitians to control the reconstruction of their country, against the interventions of imperial powers and the brutal repression of a colluding domestic political and business elite.

The picket is part of an international day of action which will see solidarity actions take place in over a hundred cities around the world. It has been called by a coalition of Haitian grassroots organisations and trade unions, including Fanmi Lavalas, the country’s most popular political
party, which has been illegalised and persecuted by the Haitian government.


Haiti Solidarity Ireland is a coalition to support Haitians in their struggle against foreign intervention and for an inclusive, democratic and equitable Haiti. We are organised on the principles of international solidarity and anti-imperialism and have branches in Cork and Dublin.

Haiti Solidarity Ireland invite you to join them in calling for the removal of American and other international occupation troops from Haiti with a picket of the American embassy in Dublin on February 25 from 6-7pm.

The protest will also call for the right of ordinary Haitians to control the reconstruction of their country, against the interventions of imperial powers and the brutal repression of a colluding domestic political and business elite.

The picket is part of an international day of action which will see solidarity actions take place in over a hundred cities around the world. It has been called by a coalition of Haitian grassroots organisations and trade unions, including Fanmi Lavalas, the country’s most popular political
party, which has been illegalised and persecuted by the Haitian government.


Haiti Solidarity Ireland is a coalition to support Haitians in their struggle against foreign intervention and for an inclusive, democratic and equitable Haiti. We are organised on the principles of international solidarity and anti-imperialism and have branches in Cork and Dublin.

We call for the immediate departure of international troops from Haiti, and for aid and reconstruction efforts to be controlled by Haitians themselves through their unions and community organisations.


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