
The Irish Anti-War Movement

Dublin: Public talk on Bahrain by human rights lawyer, Mohammed Al Tajir

Dublin: Public talk by human rights lawyer, Mohammed Al Tajir, on ongoing human rights violations in Bahrain
Human rights lawyer Mohamed Al-Tajir who provides legal assistance to human rights defenders and political activists targeted during the ongoing security clampdown in Bahrain to speak in Dublin – Monday 27 August 2012
Mohamed Al-Tajir has himself been the subject of threats and intimidation and was at one point held in incommunicado detention without access to family or lawyers for 5 weeks.
Mohamed Al Tajir will talk about how the Bahraini Government uses vaguely worded security legislation to target those who criticise the regime and call for reform and human rights.
Where: The Oak Room, The Mansion House Kildare St, Dublin 2
Who: the event is co-organised by the Bahrain Rehabilitation and Anti-Violence Organisation (BRAVO), Ceartas- Irish Lawyers for Human Rights and Front Line Defenders.
When: Monday 27 August 2012 6.00pm
In February 2011, the Arab Spring spread to Bahrain. After nearly four weeks of massive pro-democracy demonstrations, the authorities launched a violent crackdown on the protesters.
Along with over twenty other lawyers, Mohammed Al-Tajir worked to assist those held in incommunicado detention during the crackdown. On 15 April 2011, Al-Tajir was himself arrested in front of his wife and children by a group of more than twenty-masked men and plain-clothes police officers.
Ceartas – Irish Lawyers for Human Rights is an independent organisation that seeks to promote and protect human rights internationally through the innovative use of law.
The Bahrain Rehabilitation and Anti-Violence Organisation (BRAVO) is an anti-violence NGO that works with the aim of achieving compliance and adherence to human rights principles, values, and standards in Bahrain.

Dublin: Public talk by human rights lawyer, Mohammed Al Tajir, on ongoing human rights violations in Bahrain
Human rights lawyer Mohamed Al-Tajir who provides legal assistance to human rights defenders and political activists targeted during the ongoing security clampdown in Bahrain to speak in Dublin – Monday 27 August 2012
Mohamed Al-Tajir has himself been the subject of threats and intimidation and was at one point held in incommunicado detention without access to family or lawyers for 5 weeks.
Mohamed Al Tajir will talk about how the Bahraini Government uses vaguely worded security legislation to target those who criticise the regime and call for reform and human rights.
Where: The Oak Room, The Mansion House Kildare St, Dublin 2
Who: the event is co-organised by the Bahrain Rehabilitation and Anti-Violence Organisation (BRAVO), Ceartas- Irish Lawyers for Human Rights and Front Line Defenders.
When: Monday 27 August 2012 6.00pm
In February 2011, the Arab Spring spread to Bahrain. After nearly four weeks of massive pro-democracy demonstrations, the authorities launched a violent crackdown on the protesters.
Along with over twenty other lawyers, Mohammed Al-Tajir worked to assist those held in incommunicado detention during the crackdown. On 15 April 2011, Al-Tajir was himself arrested in front of his wife and children by a group of more than twenty-masked men and plain-clothes police officers.
Ceartas – Irish Lawyers for Human Rights is an independent organisation that seeks to promote and protect human rights internationally through the innovative use of law.
The Bahrain Rehabilitation and Anti-Violence Organisation (BRAVO) is an anti-violence NGO that works with the aim of achieving compliance and adherence to human rights principles, values, and standards in Bahrain.
Front Line Defenders is a Dublin based international organisation working for the security and protection of human rights defenders at risk , people who work, non-violently, for any or all of the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
For further information please contact:
Gearóid Ó Cuinn, Co-director, Ceartas – Irish Lawyers for Human Rights, T:+353(0)860890819 – E: gocuinn@ceartaslaw.org
Jim Loughran, Front Line Defenders T +353 (0)87 9377586 E: jim@frontlinedefenders.org
[N.B – this is not an Irish Anti-War Movement organised event]

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