
The Irish Anti-War Movement

Emergency Idlib Protest Mon 10/9/2018 5:30PM GPO OConnell Street Dublin

The Irish Anti-War Movement is deeply concerned that we may be on the brink of yet another appalling humanitarian catastrophe in Syria.

The brutal Assad regime, aided by Russia, have started bombing Idlib – the last stronghold of resistance to the regime.  This may be the beginning of a final offensive. Idlib does indeed contain jihadi rebels but it also holds 3 million civilians, 1 million of them children and many of them already displaced refugees. A serious air attack could kill many thousands and displace up to 700,000.

The IAWM calls for a halt to the bombing and an immediate ceasefire.

We also oppose all foreign intervention in Syria.

We support the ‘Stop Bombing Idlib’  Protest at 5.30 pm today at the GPO in Dublin

Further Info Contact John Molinux (085 735 6424)

The Irish Anti-War Movement is deeply concerned that we may be on the brink of yet another appalling humanitarian catastrophe in Syria.

The brutal Assad regime, aided by Russia, have started bombing Idlib – the last stronghold of resistance to the regime.  This may be the beginning of a final offensive. Idlib does indeed contain jihadi rebels but it also holds 3 million civilians, 1 million of them children and many of them already displaced refugees. A serious air attack could kill many thousands and displace up to 700,000.

The IAWM calls for a halt to the bombing and an immediate ceasefire.

We also oppose all foreign intervention in Syria.

We support the ‘Stop Bombing Idlib’  Protest at 5.30 pm today at the GPO in Dublin

Further Info Contact John Molinux (085 735 6424)

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