
The Irish Anti-War Movement

Galway day of political discussion- from Obama’s Wars, Justice for Palestine to Global Crisis

Galway’s Socialist Day of Discussion

Saturday, 30 January 2010

12:00 – 17:00

Richardson’s, Eyre Sq., Galway

Galway’s Socialist Day of Discussion

Saturday, 30 January 2010

12:00 – 17:00

Richardson’s, Eyre Sq., Galway

12.00: Obama’s Wars, Justice for Palestine.

Melisa Halpin- trade union activist in public service

13.00: The Ryan & Murphy Reports:

Responding to Child Abuse.

Paul Michael Garrett-

Director of Social Work, NUIG

BREAK 13.45- 14.15

14.15 Karl Marx: Revolutionary Ideas.

Kieran Allen- author “The Celtic Tiger & the Myth of Social Partnership”,& "Ireland’s Economic Crash"

15.15: Global Economy/ local crisis.

Brian O’Boyle- radical economist & analyst

16.15: Why the Labour Party can’t deliver change?”

James O’Toole- political activist

free event- open to all

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