
The Irish Anti-War Movement

Get Involved

Join The Irish Anti War Movement

If you wish to Join the Irish Anti-War Movement just send an email to info@irishantiwar.org With the words Join The Irish Anti-War Movement in the subject line.

We normally ask people for €5 if they are unwaged, or €10 if they are working. However we do not prevent people from joining if there is some reason that it would be impossible for you to pay this money. For example if you are in a country which is outside the Euro zone, or you are just not able to afford it.

Subscribe & join IAWM

Join the IAWM

We need all the help we can get to pay for the Irish Anti-War Movement and we would appreciate your help if you can afford it. There is a lot of cost involved in organizing this movement like the printing of posters and the hiring of venues. All members give their time voluntarily.

You can set up a Standing order with your bank, to automatically donate a small amount each month to the ongoing costs of the irish anti war movement. To download the Standing order Form.  Once you have it filled out post it back to the address on the bottem of the form.

Please give €5 if you’re unwaged, €10 if you’re waged or as much as you can.
Small organisation €50
Large organisation €100

Send cheque or Postal Order with your name, address, phone and email to

Irish Anti-War Movement
PO Box 9260
Dublin 1

If you want to lodge money to the bank account Here are the account details:

Bank of Ireland
College Green
Dublin 2

IBAN: IE05BOFI90001739640902

A/C Number : 39640902
Sort Code: 90-00-17

if you have any queries. Call us at

087 6329511

Maybe you can help another way. Please contact us.

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