
The Irish Anti-War Movement



In this bulletin:

1. IPSC stall and leafleting for GAZA, Saturday 23rd August, GPO. 12-2pm.
2. NO TO NATO NATO Protests, Newport, Wales. 30th August – 05th Sept.
3. Donating to the Irish Anti-War Movement.

1. IPSC stall and leafleting for GAZA, Saturday 23rd August, GPO. 12.00-2.00pm.
As the situation in Gaza deteriorates further with extensive Israeli military bombing and huge suffering for the civilian population there it is important to keep up the protests and solidarity work. Please come along to this IPSC stall on Saturday to help with leafleting and informing the public. Bring flags, placards etc. If enough people attend we will march down Henry Street for a boycott awareness action.

2. NO TO NATO PROTESTS, Newport, Wales. 30TH August – 05th Sept.

The Irish anti-War Movement is supporting this event in Wales and sending delegates. If any IAWM members would like to join us you are most welcome.

As NATO member countries stir up tension in the Ukraine and support the horrific Israeli military bombardment of Gaza the momentum for organised resistance to this year’s NATO summit in Newport, Wales has grown.

The increasing sectarian violence in Iraq over the last few weeks has shown
the invasion of Iraq has failed by every measure and the Iraqi people are

All the leaders of the key Western powers will be in South Wales for the
NATO summit so we need the biggest possible protests to force them to
break from their aggressive foreign policies. A whole week of protest is
planned during the week of the summit, details of which you can find

Help us build the No to NATO protest.


In this bulletin:

1. IPSC stall and leafleting for GAZA, Saturday 23rd August, GPO. 12-2pm.
2. NO TO NATO NATO Protests, Newport, Wales. 30th August – 05th Sept.
3. Donating to the Irish Anti-War Movement.

1. IPSC stall and leafleting for GAZA, Saturday 23rd August, GPO. 12.00-2.00pm.
As the situation in Gaza deteriorates further with extensive Israeli military bombing and huge suffering for the civilian population there it is important to keep up the protests and solidarity work. Please come along to this IPSC stall on Saturday to help with leafleting and informing the public. Bring flags, placards etc. If enough people attend we will march down Henry Street for a boycott awareness action.

2. NO TO NATO PROTESTS, Newport, Wales. 30TH August – 05th Sept.

The Irish anti-War Movement is supporting this event in Wales and sending delegates. If any IAWM members would like to join us you are most welcome.

As NATO member countries stir up tension in the Ukraine and support the horrific Israeli military bombardment of Gaza the momentum for organised resistance to this year’s NATO summit in Newport, Wales has grown.

The increasing sectarian violence in Iraq over the last few weeks has shown
the invasion of Iraq has failed by every measure and the Iraqi people are

All the leaders of the key Western powers will be in South Wales for the
NATO summit so we need the biggest possible protests to force them to
break from their aggressive foreign policies. A whole week of protest is
planned during the week of the summit, details of which you can find

Help us build the No to NATO protest.

Here is an outline of the protest events called by Stop the War Coalition, CND, No
to War: No to Nato and No to Nato Newport.

Further details will be issued as they emerge

Saturday 30 August
Mass demonstration through central Newport
Assembles 1pm at the Civic Centre Car Park, Newport and marches around the town centre ending at Westgate Square for a rally.

Sunday 31 August
Counter Summit in Cardiff, 10.00am ¬- 5.30pm.

Venue: County Hall, CF10 4UW. (View on map).

Speakers include Boris Kagarlitsky (Russia), Joseph Gerson (US), Medea Benjamin (US), Margaretta D’Arcy (IRL), Ed Horgan (IRL), Jeremy Corbyn (MP, UK), Lindsey German (Stop the War Coalition, UK) and David Cullinane (Sinn Fein Senator, IRL).

Monday 1st September
Alternative Summit, 10.00 ¬- 5.00pm.
Venue: Pill Mill, Newport.

Topics include: Drones, Women and War, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Non Proliferation Treaty.

Speakers include Mick Wallace TD and Roger Cole, PANA (IRL).

Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd September
Local events
International Committee of ‘No to War No to NATO’ AGM 14.00 – 19.00 hours

Thursday 4th September
First day of NATO Summit
Mass action and march on the Celtic Manor. Gather at 12.00pm, Cenotaph,
Clarence Place, Newport NP11 6DG.

Friday 5th September
Final day of Summit
Direct Actions. Street Theatre.

For further info on programme see: http://stopwar.org.uk/events/national-protests-no-new-wars-no-to-nato-protests#.U_cEk0j9rAB

For info re travel and hotels:
Newport is only half an hour’s train journey from Bristol. One option is to fly to Bristol and take the bus or train to Newport.

For info on hotels etc. contact Michael Youlton (IAWM)
myoulton@yahoo.com or 086 8159487

For more information you can also contact: info@pana.ie

You can also contact directly www.nonatonewport.org

3. Donating to the Irish Anti-War Movement.
To set-up a standing order with the Irish-Anti War Movement please go to the following link https://www.irishantiwar.org/files/standing-order-form.doc <https://www.irishantiwar.org/…./../../../../files/standing-order-form.doc> fill in the form and post to the Irish Anti-War Movement P.O. Box 9260 Dublin 1. Click here to unsubscribe from this newsletter <https://www.irishantiwar.org/newsletter/confirm/remove/6018558bc91576t4>

Website – www.irishantiwar.org

@IrishAntiWarMvt https://twitter.com/#!/IrishAntiWarMvt

Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/groups/25608030879/>

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