IAWM calls for boycott of Israel

Report by Jim Roche – IAWM

Members of the Irish Anti War Movement (IAWM) and friends participated in the National ‘Boycott Israel’ Day organised by the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) at 2.00pm on Saturday 16 January 2010.


Report by Jim Roche – IAWM

Members of the Irish Anti War Movement (IAWM) and friends participated in the National ‘Boycott Israel’ Day organised by the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) at 2.00pm on Saturday 16 January 2010.


Following a short rally at the Spire on O Connell Street the IAWM contingent proceeded to the TESCO supermarket on Parnell Street where a boycott protest was held outside the store and leaflets were distributed to shoppers calling on them not to purchase any Israeli goods in the store. The TESCO chain stock many Israeli products including Basil, Dill, Yellow Peppers and Mandarins. A small delegation went in to the store and distributed leaflets to the staff and delivered a letter from the Chair of the IPSC to the Manager calling for a boycott of Israeli goods.

Other stores around the city center such as Marks and Spencer, Dunnes Stores and the Jervis Street Shopping Center were targeted by other groups at the same time.

The efforts by various international groups in calling for a boycott of Israel is beginning to show results. Recently Tzipi Livni, the former Israeli Foreign minister, and five high ranking military personnel, cancelled trips to Britain for fear of being arrested due to legal cases being taken by human rights groups.

It is disgraceful that, one year on from the military onslaught by the Israeli military on Gaza and with the continued building of Zionist settlements on confiscated Palestinian lands in the Westbank, Irish shops continue to stock Israeli produce much of which is produced in the illegal settlements. Israel operates an apartheid state in the Westbank, enforces a brutal, illegal siege on Gaza, carries out targeted assassinations and inflicts collective punishment on the entire Palestinian population. The IAWM calls for a boycott of the Israeli State by the rest of the world because of its apartheid policies in Palestine.



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