
The Irish Anti-War Movement



The Irish Anti-War Movement called for all anti-war activists to join the Dublin March organised by the IPSC for the Global Day of Action – (www.ipsc.ie) tomorrow Saturday 17 February, assemble at 1pm at the Garden of Remembrance.

The national protest is supported by over 100 civic organisations.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza just gets progressively worse with the heinous genocidal war crimes by the Israeli military now being inflicted on the 1.5 million displaced, starving, and terrified Gazans crammed into makeshift tents in Rafah – all supported by the Governments of the US, Britain, and many EU powers.

One of the most horrific stories revealed this week was that of 6-year-old Hind Hamadeh (pictured above) who was murdered by Israel in a car along with members of her family. These civilians were no threat to Israel, except that they were Palestinian of course, and they were cut down in cold blood, as were the two medics who tried to rescue Hind after her family members had been killed.

Meanwhile, an Israeli missile attack in Rafah last Sunday killed 63 Gazans with one young girl’s body, her legs severed, left dangling from a window as rescuers frantically tried to get her down.

Joe Biden’s words about Israel not attacking Rafah without a proper evacuation plan for the civilians there are meaningless. There is nowhere for Gazans to go and the US has shockingly recently approved a further $14 billion of military aid to Israel, making this unquestionably a US war on Palestine. Genocide Joe has truly earned his most recent moniker.

Despite the despair, the world is witnessing one of the biggest solidarity movements ever as millions protest in various forms for the desperate people of Palestine. This Saturday will witness a coordinated series of huge protest marches in multiple cities around the world.

The message to the Irish Government that the IAWM is sending loud and clear at Dublin’s IPSC March tomorrow and subsequently is:

* Support the South African Government’s Genocide Convention case at the ICJ

* Expel Israeli Ambassador from Ireland

* Boycott and sanction Israel

* Close the Shannon War Port

* No Shamrocks for Genocide Joe

Jim Roche, PRO & Secretary, Steering Committee, IAWM said,

“The Irish Government could make a huge gesture to the Palestinians by immediately passing the Occupied Territories Bill, expelling the Israeli Ambassador, and telling the US Government it will no longer allow its military a free stopover at Shannon Airport. In addition, no Irish politician should attend the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations at the White House.

These actions would reverberate around the world and force the ceasefire that millions of peace-loving people have been calling for. But no, the squeamish Irish Government utters conciliatory platitudes but ultimately goes along with the big powers while hundreds of Gazans are murdered and injured daily. Like so many other Governments they have the blood of Hind and other murdered Palestinians on their hands.”


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