
The Irish Anti-War Movement

IAWM PRESS RELEASE 07 MAY 2011 – Irish Anti War Movement protests at Dublin City Council denial of right to poster


Irish Anti War Movement protests at Dublin City Council denial of right to poster

In a statement today the Irish Anti War Movement noted that it has been denied the right to advertise its black balloon protest on the occasion of the Queen’s visit to Dublin.

Dublin City Council informed the IAWM that this decision was taken on the basis that ‘no postering applications for events between 15th and 25th May are being granted in the interest of promoting a clean environment for Dublin City during forthcoming State visits’.

Richard Boyd Barrett TD and Chair of the IAWM said that the decision was a curtailment of free speech. He noted that “Under the guise of being concerned about a clean environment, Dublin City Council appears to have made the very political decision to silence any opposition to the Queen’s visit’
The IAWM has called for a Black Balloon protest at the GPO, O’Connell St. on TUESDAY 17th May at 6.30 pm.


Irish Anti War Movement protests at Dublin City Council denial of right to poster

In a statement today the Irish Anti War Movement noted that it has been denied the right to advertise its black balloon protest on the occasion of the Queen’s visit to Dublin.

Dublin City Council informed the IAWM that this decision was taken on the basis that ‘no postering applications for events between 15th and 25th May are being granted in the interest of promoting a clean environment for Dublin City during forthcoming State visits’.

Richard Boyd Barrett TD and Chair of the IAWM said that the decision was a curtailment of free speech. He noted that “Under the guise of being concerned about a clean environment, Dublin City Council appears to have made the very political decision to silence any opposition to the Queen’s visit’
The IAWM has called for a Black Balloon protest at the GPO, O’Connell St. on TUESDAY 17th May at 6.30 pm.

The object of the protest is to remember the dead of Iraq and Afghanistan. A former SAS soldier and Iraq War veteran, a grandmother of a British soldier killed in Afghanistan, a speaker from Bahrain, Richard Boyd Barrett TD, Roger Cole of the Peace and Neutrality Alliance, amongst others, will address the gathering.

The IAWM statement further noted that: “Although the impression is given that the Queen is just a titular figure-head, she is actually the Commander-in-Chief of the British Armed Forces and the person to whom members of the forces swear allegiance. “
“Whether the present government likes it or not, the queen represents the pro-war position that has ruined Iraq and is tearing apart Afghanistan. She also represents many aspects of Britain that many in Ireland see no reason to identify with. The estimated cost of the visit alone is upwards of €20 million. The timing therefore is shockingly insensitive given the beleaguered state of our country.”
The IAWM said that they had received many messages from people across the country welcoming the fact that there will be an anti-war protest.

The statement added that: “Dublin City Council, no doubt prompted by the government, have seen fit to deny us this democratic right to promote our protest.”

“It is ironic that just when the democratic movement against autocratic rulers in the Middle East is being welcomed, opposition to royalty here is not tolerated.”

The statement concluded, “The Irish Anti War Movement plans to demand that DCC revoke its decision and that it respects the fundamental rights of free speech and the right of assembly.”

For further info contact:

Richard Boyd Barrett TD, Chair IAWM, Tel. 086 781 4520

Marnie Holborrow, Steering Committee IAWM, 087 988 9244

Jim Roche, PRO Steering Committee, IAWM, Tel. 087 6472737

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