
The Irish Anti-War Movement



The Steering Committee of the Irish Anti War Movement at a recent meeting voted to endorse the Electoral Campaign of its Chair, Richard Boyd Barrett.

Richard, is standing to be elected as Councillor for the People Before Profit Alliance on Dún Laoighaire Rathdown County Council. He helped establish the Irish Anti War Movement in the lead up to the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq in 2002-2003. He has been its Chair ever since that time and has organised many of the movement’s activities thus helping to educate the Irish public about the issue of war and occupation, the use of Shannon Airport by US troops and the clandestine support of the Irish Government for the fake ‘war on terror’. Having a committed anti-war Councillor will help us build the case against war and occupation among a wider constituency.


The Steering Committee of the Irish Anti War Movement at a recent meeting voted to endorse the Electoral Campaign of its Chair, Richard Boyd Barrett.

Richard, is standing to be elected as Councillor for the People Before Profit Alliance on Dún Laoighaire Rathdown County Council. He helped establish the Irish Anti War Movement in the lead up to the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq in 2002-2003. He has been its Chair ever since that time and has organised many of the movement’s activities thus helping to educate the Irish public about the issue of war and occupation, the use of Shannon Airport by US troops and the clandestine support of the Irish Government for the fake ‘war on terror’. Having a committed anti-war Councillor will help us build the case against war and occupation among a wider constituency.

The Steering Committee calls on all supporters of the Irish Anti War Movement to support Richard in his electoral campaign.  We also call on supporters to vote for candidates in their area who have a proven anti war stance and who have worked closely within or with the IAWM over the years – candidates such as Colm Stephens, Martin O Sullivan, Joan Collins, Joe Higgins, Patricia Mc Kenna, Mary Lou McDonald, Tina Mc Veigh … etc   

IAWM Steering Committee

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