Imperial Warrior Kerry at StateHillary Clinton will leave State. She’ll further her 2016 presidential ambitions. She wants to succeed Obama.
She hopes to become America’s first woman president. If successful, she’ll likely exceed his worst policies. He did what supporters thought impossible. He outdid George Bush. Imagine what’s ahead in term two.
Kerry was chosen to further America’s imperium. He supports global wars. He’ll differ from Clinton only in style and tone. Longstanding policies won’t change.
America seeks unchallenged global dominance. War is the bottom line option when other methods fail.
In November 1984, Kerry became junior Massachusetts senator. He succeeded Paul Tsongas. He stepped down for health reasons.
In 1992, his Democrat presidential nomination efforts failed. In January 1997, he succumbed to pneumonia and liver failure complications from cancer.
Imperial Warrior Kerry at StateHillary Clinton will leave State. She’ll further her 2016 presidential ambitions. She wants to succeed Obama.
She hopes to become America’s first woman president. If successful, she’ll likely exceed his worst policies. He did what supporters thought impossible. He outdid George Bush. Imagine what’s ahead in term two.
Kerry was chosen to further America’s imperium. He supports global wars. He’ll differ from Clinton only in style and tone. Longstanding policies won’t change.
America seeks unchallenged global dominance. War is the bottom line option when other methods fail.
In November 1984, Kerry became junior Massachusetts senator. He succeeded Paul Tsongas. He stepped down for health reasons.
In 1992, his Democrat presidential nomination efforts failed. In January 1997, he succumbed to pneumonia and liver failure complications from cancer.
On January 2, 1985, Kerry took office. For 28 years, he supported America’s imperial agenda. In 2004, electoral fraud deprived him of defeating George Bush. He was heavily favored to win. Electronic voting machine manipulation prevented it.
He’s currently Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman. He’ll sail through Senate confirmation. He’ll become America’s top diplomat. US-style diplomacy reflects hardline policies.
Kerry’s job involves letting other nations know who’s boss. What America says goes. Outliers aren’t tolerated. Go along or be severely punished.
US foreign policy isn’t pretty. Permanent global wars reflect its harshness. Kerry won’t change things. He, Obama, and other administration hardliners are in lockstep. They prioritize imperial lawlessness.
Kerry’s come a long way from November 6, 1971. He told Washington, DC’s WRC-TV that he "gave back, (he) can’t remember, six, seven, eight, nine medals."
It was his way of protesting America’s Vietnam War involvement. He was a member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW).
On April 22, 1971, he testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In part, he said:
He came to discuss an investigation involving "over 150 honorably discharged and many very highly decorated veterans."
They admitted committing Southeast Asian war crimes. Kerry explained.
They "personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, bl(ew) up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages (like) Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravages of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."
He called Washington’s claim about preserving Southeast Asian freedom "the height of criminal hypocrisy."
"We saw firsthand how money from American taxes was used for a corrupt dictatorial regime."
"We rationalized destroying villages….to save them. We saw America lose her sense of morality as she accepted very cooly a My Lai." Many other gruesome atrocities followed.
Others preceded it. It’s standard policy in all US wars. Civilians are as fair game as combatants. They suffer most. Women and children aren’t excluded.
"We learned the meaning of free fire zones, shooting anything that moves, and we watched while America placed a cheapness on the lives of orientals," said Kerry.
"We have come here….because we believe this body can be responsive to the will of the people (saying) we should be out of Vietnam now…."
That was then. This is now. In the 1980s, Kerry became a committed Cold Warrior. Until it dissolved in February 2011, he was prominent as a Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) member.
It’s agenda was far to the right of center. Ralph Nader called it "corporatist (and) soulless." It was ideologically hardline.
Policies were anti-populist, anti-labor, anti-welfare, pro-business, and pro-imperial in pursuit of unchallenged US global dominance.
Kerry was fully on board. He remains true to its ideological principles. He’s the Senate’s richest member. His estimated net worth approaches $300 million. Including his wife’s wealth, some believe it exceeds $1 billion. She’s heir to the Heinz fortune.
Kerry’s voting record reflects support for NAFTA, Big Media, welfare reform, Plan Columbia, Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF/September 2001), the USA Patriot Act, its 2006 and 2011 reauthorizations, national defense legislation, No Child Left Behind (to privatize public education), America’s war on terror, military force against Iraq, Obama’s war on Libya, ravaging Syria, targeting Iran, imposing tougher lawless sanctions, Israeli lawlessness, energy policies benefitting Big Oil, Obamacare, reduced food stamp funding, and freedom threatening cybersecurity legislation among other undemocratic measures.
He wants special forces death squad numbers doubled. He wants them deployed globally. He wants their role in America’s war on terror enhanced.
He wants America’s military modernized. He wants it better able to wage global wars. He wants stepped up intelligence gathering. He favors tougher anti-terrorist policies.
He supports offensive national missile defense. He’s against cutting nuclear weapons below START levels.
He’s hostile to Russo/Chinese ambitions. He endorses 9/11 Commission distortions. He wants its recommendations implemented. He has close Wall Street ties.
Sourcewatch said his extended family accumulated great wealth. His parents were upper-middle class. His maternal grandfather, James Grant Forbes, was born in Shanghai, China.
He got rich trafficking in opium and China trade. Kerry is distantly related to four US presidents and European royals. He and George W. Bush are distant cousins.
His father, Richard, worked for America’s Foreign Service. He was also an attorney for the State Department’s Bureau of UN Affairs. Kerry’s mother, Rosemary, is a Forbes family member.
Kerry and George W. Bush both attended Yale. Kerry is class of 1966. He was president of Yale’s Political Union. He belonged to Skull and Bones. So did Bush, his father, and grandfather.
In 1832, it was founded as an all-male secret society. Women were excluded until selectively admitted in the 1990s. Its headquarters building is called the Tomb.
Alumni include former presidents, Supreme Court chief justices, CIA officials, cabinet members, congressmen, senators, business leaders, and other prominent members of society.
Around 800 living ones remain.
It’s Yale’s elitist secret society. Members are carefully vetted. Alexandra Robbins is one, or was. She’s a Yale class of 1998 summa cum laude graduate.
She broke Skull and Bones code of silence. Her "Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power" discussed it. Members no longer talk to her. That means "I’m out," she says.
It’s much more than a club. It exists only for itself and its enormous influence. Fifteen members are chosen annually. It may be America’s most elite network. Inductees are considered potential future business, government, legal, and other type prominent leaders.
"Skull and Bones has curled its tentacles into every reach of American society," said Robbins. Its alumni reflect enormous power. It’s increasing. Former members infest virtually "every major research, policy, financial, media, and government institution in the country."
They run America. They’ve done it for years. Dominant Skull and Bones alumni families control it. They include Bush, Bundy, Harriman, Lord, Phelps, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, Taft, and Whitney, among others. Inter-marriage is encouraged.
One observer calls it "an international mafia – unregulated and all but unknown." Its agenda reflects New World Order dominance. It wants personal freedoms compromised. Ceremonial silence is sworn.
Bonesmen automatically advance to positions of power. They’re expected to serve prominently. Former members financed Hitler. Current ones are neo-Nazi.
Many Bonesmen have close Wall Street ties. At least a dozen are linked to the Fed. They control America’s media, prominent legal institutions, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission.
Silence is Skull and Bones’ golden rule. Bonesmen comply. Rare exceptions deviate.
Robbins calls the organization "not just the story of a remarkable secret society, but a remarkable society of secrets, some with basis in truth, some nothing but fog."
Nothing mythical reflects its alumni’s influence. They run America. They seek global dominance. Kerry role at State will be to further that agenda. Expect him to go all out to do it.
By Stephen Lendman December 21, 2012 "Information Clearing House"
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at
His new book is titled "Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity."
Visit his blog site at
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