
The Irish Anti-War Movement

International Peace Conference War, NATO and the Lisbon Treaty

International Peace Conference War, NATO and the Lisbon Treaty

Saturday 5th of September 2009 Park Inn, Shannon Airport, Co. Clare, Ireland


Speakers (*)


Cllr. Richard Boyd Barrett
Irish Anti-War Movement

Joe Higgins (MEP)
Socialist Party

Reiner Braun
The Anti-NATO Network

John Feffer
Foreign Policy in Focus USA

Christophe Ventura
Parti De Gauche

Tobias Pfluger
Die Linke

Jeremy Corbyn
British Labour Party

Ed Horgan
Peace & Neutrality Alliance

Patricia McKenna
The People’s Movement

Mary Lou McDonald
Sinn Fein

Harry Bommel
Dutch Socialist Party

George Karabelias
Greek historian and Rixi journal


International Peace Conference War, NATO and the Lisbon Treaty

Saturday 5th of September 2009 Park Inn, Shannon Airport, Co. Clare, Ireland


Speakers (*)


Cllr. Richard Boyd Barrett
Irish Anti-War Movement

Joe Higgins (MEP)
Socialist Party

Reiner Braun
The Anti-NATO Network

John Feffer
Foreign Policy in Focus USA

Christophe Ventura
Parti De Gauche

Tobias Pfluger
Die Linke

Jeremy Corbyn
British Labour Party

Ed Horgan
Peace & Neutrality Alliance

Patricia McKenna
The People’s Movement

Mary Lou McDonald
Sinn Fein

Harry Bommel
Dutch Socialist Party

George Karabelias
Greek historian and Rixi journal


(*) Some speakers have to give their final confirmation.  There are a limited number of spaces so book early.

Conference fees are: waged €25, Unwaged €5. Please send fee, name and address payable to: PANA, Dalkey Business Centre, 17 Castle Street, Dalkey, Co. Dublin, Ireland.

Registration 9-15 – 10.00

First session 9.45 – 11.15  War and Shannon .  Two  main speakers of 10 mins each: Ed Horgan and Jan O’Sullivan – local Limerick based TD.  The first to focus on the airport, the troops and implications the second on the responses of the political establishment including her own party…. Chair: Carol Fox (PANA)

Coffee break 11.15 – 11.30

Second session 11.30 – 13.15  Lisbon  Speakers: Sinn Fein (Mary Lou McDonald or Theresa  Ferris) , Socialist Party (Joe Higgins), Peoples Movement (Patricia McKenna) and Richard Boyd Barrett  (SWP and People Before Profit) – ten minutes each. Chair Michael Youlton  (IAWM).

Lunch Break 13.15 – 14.00 – Sandwiches, coffee/ tea etc from hotel.

Third session 14.00 – 16.00 The militarisation of Europe and NATO: Speakers Kate Hudson or Jeremy Corbyn (UK CND), Tobias Pfluger (Die – Linke /European Parliament) and Christophe Ventura from the Parti de Gauche  – Fifteen minutes each. Chair : Roger Cole (PANA).

Fourth session 16.15 – 18.30. The new International post- Obama Environment: Speakers John Feiffer (co-director of  Foreign Policy in Focus), Harry Bommel from the Dutch Socialist Party, Reiner Braun of the Network who organised the Strasbourg anti-NATO mobilisation and George Karabelias – from Rixi – Greece. Chair: Ailbhe Smyth (People Before Profit)

Lunch is available in the hotel restaurant. Accommodation is also available. Contact the Park Hotel, Shannon Airport for accommodation: €80 B&B per room per person sharing, €85 B&B for single. Tel: +353 61 471 122

The Conference is being organised jointly by the Peace & Neutrality Alliance and the Irish Anti-War Movement. For more details contact PANA at: +3531 2351512   Roger Cole, Chair, Peace & Neutrality Alliance, Ireland  www.pana.ie 

A bus will be leaving at 6.00 from Heuston Station returning in the evening – to book a place  contact Michael Youlton  086 815 9487 or myouilton@yahoo.com if interested…

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