
The Irish Anti-War Movement

Intervention and growing instability in Mali by Stop the War Coalition

Intervention in Mali Once again western powers are using anti-Islamist rhetoric to justify colonial interventions. Two days of French air strikes have already killed many civilians and is only likely to inflame instability across the region already in chaos after the West’s attack on Libya. 

France’s intervention in Mali is part of a growing scramble for Africa. France occupied Mali until 1960.  It was at the centre of its historic colonial empire and now at the heart of its effort to control a mineral rich area including Senegal, Burkino Faso, the Ivory Coast – all former colonies in which the French once again have troops.

That Britain was the first to support the French adventure with two RAF planes only shows how keen the [UK] government is to participate in a new rush for influence on the African continent. The danger is too, as fighting intensifies, that Britain will get further drawn in to an intervention that has already been backed by the US government.

Stop the War condemns this intervention that will only intensify the crisis in the region.

Intervention in Mali Once again western powers are using anti-Islamist rhetoric to justify colonial interventions. Two days of French air strikes have already killed many civilians and is only likely to inflame instability across the region already in chaos after the West’s attack on Libya. 

France’s intervention in Mali is part of a growing scramble for Africa. France occupied Mali until 1960.  It was at the centre of its historic colonial empire and now at the heart of its effort to control a mineral rich area including Senegal, Burkino Faso, the Ivory Coast – all former colonies in which the French once again have troops.

That Britain was the first to support the French adventure with two RAF planes only shows how keen the [UK] government is to participate in a new rush for influence on the African continent. The danger is too, as fighting intensifies, that Britain will get further drawn in to an intervention that has already been backed by the US government.

Stop the War condemns this intervention that will only intensify the crisis in the region.

More information Glenn Greenwald: The bombing of Mali highlights all the lessons of western intervention http://bit.ly/WWQYP2

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