
The Irish Anti-War Movement

IPSC Sponsored Hill Walk 2009

This year the IPSC Sponsored Hill Walk will take place on Saturday 17th October. We will be setting off from The Step Inn in Stepaside, Co. Dublin at 11.00am and finishing up with a meal and some liquid sustenance in Enniskerry.

This year the IPSC Sponsored Hill Walk will take place on Saturday 17th October. We will be setting off from The Step Inn in Stepaside, Co. Dublin at 11.00am and finishing up with a meal and some liquid sustenance in Enniskerry.

The last two years’ walks have been enormous fun and raised a lot of money for the IPSC, as well as letting people get to know each other a little better.

If you are interested in coming along and getting sponsorship (there is no minimum sponsorship fee!) then please email info@ipsc.ie with your details, put ‘Sponsored Walk’ in the subject title and we will send you on a sponsorship card and any further relevant info. Alternatively, you can phone us on (01) 6770253

How to get there and back:

Both the start (Stepaside) and end (Enniskerry) points are on the 44 Bus Route.

The timetables for the 44 route can be viewed here (please note, look at the Saturday timetable): http://www.dublinbus.ie/en/Your-Journey1/Timetables/All-Timetables/44/

We recommend getting the 9.20 Bus from Townsend Street (just down from the Screen Cinema) – map http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=screen+cinema,+Townsend+Street,+dublin+,ireland&sll=53.347119,-6.256038&sspn=0.003209,0.008186&ie=UTF8&ll=53.346645,-6.254901&spn=0.003209,0.008186&z=17&iwloc=B

What to bring:

Everyone should bring a packed lunch, enough to drink, warm and waterproof clothing, waterproof hiking/walking boots and also have a reasonable level of fitness. People will also be required to sign an indemnity form (ie a form that says if you injure yourself it’s not the IPSC’s fault) prior to the start of the walk.

Hope to hear from interested people soon.

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