
The Irish Anti-War Movement

Dear IAWM Supporters,


The Irish Anti War Movement is partaking in the Irish Ship to Gaza Campaign which aims to buy a ship to participate in the Second Gaza Freedom Flotilla. We hope to see up to 50 Irish people – including journalists and activists – on board the ship. The campaign needs to raise funds urgently to ensure it is a success and is calling on all supporters of the Palestinian people’s struggle for human rights to donate generously and to assist in this effort to break the illegal siege.


The purpose of the flotilla is twofold:

Dear IAWM Supporters,


The Irish Anti War Movement is partaking in the Irish Ship to Gaza Campaign which aims to buy a ship to participate in the Second Gaza Freedom Flotilla. We hope to see up to 50 Irish people – including journalists and activists – on board the ship. The campaign needs to raise funds urgently to ensure it is a success and is calling on all supporters of the Palestinian people’s struggle for human rights to donate generously and to assist in this effort to break the illegal siege.


The purpose of the flotilla is twofold:


  • To respond to the call of the people of Gaza for world help in challenging an illegal and immoral Israeli naval blockade that is causing terrible human suffering. 

  • To bring much-needed humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Our intention is to overcome the continuing Israeli siege of Gaza through civil resistance and non-violent direct action, and to establish a permanent sea lane between Gaza and the rest of the world. Between 10 and 15 ships are expected to participate in the flotilla. The fleet will include cargo ships, as well as passenger vessels. It is expected that ships from Britain, the United States, Canada and continental Europe will take part, and we intend to ensure that an Irish ship is also part of the flotilla. The Irish Anti War Movement is calling on the Irish public to donate generously to ensure that Ireland is well represented on this Freedom Flotilla.


Donate online via Paypal here: http://irishshiptogaza.org/?page_id=10

Donate to the ISTG bank account

Irish Ship To Gaza

AIB Bank

P.O. Box 96A, 7/12 Dame Street, Dublin 2

Sort Code: 93-20-86

Account Number: 33077059

For more info contact info@irishantiwar.org

Thank you

The Irish Anti-war Movement

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