
The Irish Anti-War Movement


Source: https://www.ipsc.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/peacedinner.jpeg

The IAWM is supporting the protest called by the IPSC and other groups at 5pm this evening Tuesday 12 December at the US Ambassador’s residence in the Phoenix Park, Dublin.

The US Ambassador’s Christmas bash, with its reference to ‘Peace on Earth’ and its invitation to Irish TDs takes irony to a new low level, given the US Government’s veto on the motion for a ceasefire in Gaza at the UNSC last Friday. The war in Gaza could be stopped immediately by Joe Biden’s Government but it continues to support Israel’s terror campaign against the civilian population in Gaza that has now killed over 18,000 Gazans. The figure for child and infant deaths is likely to rise to 10,000 according to Euro Med Monitor, with hundreds of these still trapped underneath the rubble.

The IAWM is calling all peace-loving Irish people to come to this protest at the US Ambassador’s residence this evening.

Jim Roche, PRO of the IAWM said:

“If the Irish Government is serious about getting a ceasefire in Gaza then it should instruct all their TDs to boycott this event. That would send a clear message to the US Government that its continued support for this barbarous, genocidal Israeli onslaught in Gaza is not supported in Ireland. Biden, Blinken, Harris and all of the US Government have the blood of innocent Gazans, including 10,000 children, on their hands. Irish TDs must not condone the US Government’s part in Israel’s genocidal violence so they should stay away from this Christmas event at the US Ambassador’s residence.”

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