
The Irish Anti-War Movement

Israeli Apartheid Week 2011: Lunchtime Protest – End EU Facilitation of Israeli Human Rights Abuses (IPSC)

Lunchtime Protest – End EU Facilitation of Israeli Human Rights Abuses (IPSC)

LUNCHTIME DEMO: On Thursday 10th March from 1-2pm the IPSC will be holding a small demonstration outside EU House, Molesworth Street (Dublin 2) to highlight the European Union’s ongoing faciliatation of Israel’s apartheid policies and war crimes. In particular we will be highlighting the role of Irish EU Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, who is responsible for administering “scientific grants” to Israeli arms manufacturing companies, effectively amounting to rewarding Israeli for its terrorisation of the Palestinians people!

For background to the EU and Israel, please see:

Lunchtime Protest – End EU Facilitation of Israeli Human Rights Abuses (IPSC)

LUNCHTIME DEMO: On Thursday 10th March from 1-2pm the IPSC will be holding a small demonstration outside EU House, Molesworth Street (Dublin 2) to highlight the European Union’s ongoing faciliatation of Israel’s apartheid policies and war crimes. In particular we will be highlighting the role of Irish EU Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, who is responsible for administering “scientific grants” to Israeli arms manufacturing companies, effectively amounting to rewarding Israeli for its terrorisation of the Palestinians people!

For background to the EU and Israel, please see:

The European Union’s Blind Eye: How the EU ignores Israel’s failure to fulfil its obligations under EU agreements (PDF, 2008)

How Israeli arms companies benefit from EU science funds (PDF, 2009)

IPSC condemns EU-Israel data-sharing plan (Press Release, 2011)

This event is organised by the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) as one of a series of events taking place around Ireland during international Israeli Apartheid Week 2011 (6 – 12 March). For more information on other events in Ireland please see: http://www.ipsc.ie/iaw2011 and for a brochure of Dublin events please see the PDF below.

Israeli Apartheid Week 2011
Israeli Apartheid Week 2011

PDF Document PDF Brochure of all IAW 2011 events in Dublin 1.79 Mb

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