
The Irish Anti-War Movement

National Demo Sat 15 th March 1pm, Parnell Square, Dublin.

This demonstration is part of the ‘World Against War’ global protests to
mark the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq invasion between March 15th and 22nd.
Large demonstrations are expected in up to 65 cities worldwide (see
www.worldagainstwar.org for full details),
with the following agreed demands:
*Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan
*Don¹t Attack Iran
*Justice for Palestine / End the Siege of Gaza
The demonstration in Dublin will also raise the following demands specific
to the Irish context:
*US military and Torture Flights out of Shannon

This demonstration is part of the ‘World Against War’ global protests to
mark the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq invasion between March 15th and 22nd.
Large demonstrations are expected in up to 65 cities worldwide (see
www.worldagainstwar.org for full details),
with the following agreed demands:
*Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan
*Don¹t Attack Iran
*Justice for Palestine / End the Siege of Gaza
The demonstration in Dublin will also raise the following demands specific
to the Irish context:
*US military and Torture Flights out of Shannon
*End Irish Complicity with war, occupation and torture.
The Dublin protest will assemble on Saturday March 15th at 1pm in Parnell
Square. The demonstration will open with a rally, followed by a march
through Dublin City Centre, concluding at the GPO, O Connell St. with
speakers and music.
The demonstration is organised by the Irish Anti-War Movement.
Supporting organisations include: Peace & Neutrality Alliance, NGO Peace
Alliance, Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, UNITE (Formerly
ATGWU/Amicus), Federation of Islamic Students in Ireland, Sinn Fein, People
Before Profit Alliance, Labour Party, Labour Youth, Socialist Workers Party,
Galway Alliance Against War and more.
Richard Boyd Barrett of the Irish Anti-War Movement will chair the protest
and rally.
Speakers include: Dr Bassam Nassar (Palestinian Community), Rev. Patrick
Comerford (COI & Founder CND, Ireland), Dr Helena Sheehan (US Citizen in
Ireland), Aengus O¹ Snodaigh (Sinn Fein), Michael D. Higgins (Labour Party),
Ailbhe Smyth (People Before Profit Alliance), Mike Youlton (Irish Anti-War
Movement), Jimmy Kelly (Regional Secretary, UNITE) and more to be announced.
The Irish Government is deeply complicit with the crimes of the US in Iraq
and elsewhere because it has allowed over one million armed US troops and
many CIA rendition flights to use Shannon airport over the last five years.
It is vital we mark this anniversary with huge protests to show our
solidarity with the people of Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and Iran.
Crucially, we must support the majority of people in the US and Britain that
want their troops brought home. It is also vital that we, once again, demand
that the Irish government end its complicity with US warmongering and
restore Irish neutrality by excluding US troops and CIA torture flights from
our airports.
For more info/confirmation contact:
Richard Boyd Barrett 087-6329511 / Mike Youlton 086-8159487
To set-up a standing order with the Irish-Anti War Movement please go
to the following link https://www.irishantiwar.org/files/standing-order-form.doc
fill in the form and post to the Irish Anti-War Movement P.O. Box 9260 Dublin 1.
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Irish Anti-War Movement
Tel (fixed) 353 (0) 1 8727912,
Tel (mobile) 353 (0) 87 6329511
Postal Address
Irish Anti-War Movement
PO Box 9260
Dublin 1

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