
The Irish Anti-War Movement

National Demonstration in support of the Libyan Uprising

National Demonstration in support of the Libyan Uprising, Saturday 12 March, 12.00 noon, Central Bank, Dame Street, Dublin 

The Libyan people, having being inspired by the revolts of ordinary citizens in neighbouring countries, have been in intense struggle for weeks to overthrow the dictatorial regime of Col.Gadafi. They struggle for democracy and for the peaceful transition to a socially just society in the future.  

They have been met with military brutality, including the shooting and bombing of innocent unarmed people. 

National Demonstration in support of the Libyan Uprising, Saturday 12 March, 12.00 noon, Central Bank, Dame Street, Dublin 

The Libyan people, having being inspired by the revolts of ordinary citizens in neighbouring countries, have been in intense struggle for weeks to overthrow the dictatorial regime of Col.Gadafi. They struggle for democracy and for the peaceful transition to a socially just society in the future.  

They have been met with military brutality, including the shooting and bombing of innocent unarmed people. 

For this reason members of the Libyan Community in Ireland have called a National demonstration in support of The Libyan Uprising for this Saturday 12 March, to assemble at Central Bank, Dame Street at 12.00 noon and march to the EU HQ on Molesworth Street and to the Dáil. The protest is supported by various Irish groups including the Irish Anti-war Movement. 

Please join us in support of the Libyan Uprising and in our call for western governments to recognise the  Transitional Council in Benghazi headed by Dr Mahmoud Jebril Ibrahim El-Werfali and Dr Ali Aziz Al-Eisawi.  


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