
The Irish Anti-War Movement


New Labour became more Tory than Tories
New Labour built on it and deepened inequality in Britain, writes VINCENT BROWNE
IF EVER a government deserved to be removed from office, the New Labour government in Britain does, that is of course aside from our own Government, which, in the league of governments that must be removed asap, is top of the premiership. Instead of undoing the Thatcherite legacy New Labour compounded it.
It was more warmongering than its Tory predecessor and, disgracing its socialist lineage, New Labour made Britain even more unequal than it had been in the Thatcher-Major era.
More info: http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/opinion/2010/0421/1224268771428.html

New Labour became more Tory than Tories
New Labour built on it and deepened inequality in Britain, writes VINCENT BROWNE
IF EVER a government deserved to be removed from office, the New Labour government in Britain does, that is of course aside from our own Government, which, in the league of governments that must be removed asap, is top of the premiership. Instead of undoing the Thatcherite legacy New Labour compounded it.
It was more warmongering than its Tory predecessor and, disgracing its socialist lineage, New Labour made Britain even more unequal than it had been in the Thatcher-Major era.
More info: http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/opinion/2010/0421/1224268771428.html

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