
The Irish Anti-War Movement

[NEWS] 126 Iraqi women to be executed soon

126 Iraqi women to be executed soon
126 professional women who have worked for the previous regime have been sentenced to death by the Iraqi government. It is expected that the executions will be carried out before the Muslim feast of pilgrimage (in 2 weeks time). Their only crime appear to be serving under the previous regime. Amongst those to be executed the ex Head Nuclear Energy Centre and the ex minister of Work and Social Affairs. Women Will Association an Iraqi women organisation is looking to build a coalition to put pressure on the Iraqi government to stop the executions immediately. 
http://www.aljaml.com/node/51630حكم بإعدام 126 امرأة عراقية من كبار موظفات النظام السابق

126 Iraqi women to be executed soon
126 professional women who have worked for the previous regime have been sentenced to death by the Iraqi government. It is expected that the executions will be carried out before the Muslim feast of pilgrimage (in 2 weeks time). Their only crime appear to be serving under the previous regime. Amongst those to be executed the ex Head Nuclear Energy Centre and the ex minister of Work and Social Affairs. Women Will Association an Iraqi women organisation is looking to build a coalition to put pressure on the Iraqi government to stop the executions immediately. 
http://www.aljaml.com/node/51630حكم بإعدام 126 امرأة عراقية من كبار موظفات النظام السابق
الجمل- عاصم جمول: صدر في العراق حكم بإعدام 126 امرأة عراقية بتهمة الإرهاب، وهن بمعظمهن من حملة الشهادات الجامعية العليا وقد شغلن مناصب حكومية في ظل النظام العراقي السابق، ويتوقع تنفيذ الحكم قبيل عيد الأضحى القادم وهو توقيت يأتي متزامنا مع توقيت إعدام الرئيس العراقي السابق صدام حسين.
ويذكر أن وزيرة الشؤون الاجتماعية والعمل العراقية السابقة ومديرة الطاقة الذرية هن ممن شملهن حكم الإعدام.
وتعمل حاليا جمعية إرادة المرأة العراقية -ومقرها سوريا- على تشكيل جبهة للضغط على الحكومة العراقية لمنع تنفيذ الحكم.
Repeated appeals against the death penalty in Iraq has been issued by Amnesty International and Human Righst Watch especially in view of the Iraqi judiciary system being dysfunctional. These women are more than likely had faced unfair trials after which the death sentence was issued. Haifa Zangana an Iraqi women activist and writer, wrote an excellent article this week in Al Quds Al Arabi London based newspaper on the death penalty and extra judicial killings of political figures that has created a culture of revenge and a never ending cycle of violence in Iraq. these women appear to be targetted by the Iraqi government just because they served under the previous regime. This is not acceptable. If they are accused of any crime, they should face a fair trial in the presence of  international observers or they should be released immediately.Send you appeals to :
H.E. Dr. Ali Abdussalam Trek president of the UN General Assembly
The secretary General of the UN : Ban Ki Moon
Mr Thomas Hammarberg
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rightscommissioner@coe.int
Find your European MP (if you live in Europe):http://www.europarl.org.uk/section/your-meps/your-meps
Iraqi embassy in London (or google the one in your country)lonemb@iraqmofamail.netyou can address your email to
Mr Abdulmuhaimen Al-OraibiCharge d’Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraqclwyda@parliament.uk

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