
The Irish Anti-War Movement

PLEASE support Bahrani teacher jailed & tortured for pro-democracy demonstration

This is one of LabourStart’s online campaigns.  You can help save the life of a jailed trade union leader in Bahrain.

Mahdi ‘Issa Mahdi Abu Dheeb, President of the Bahraini Teachers Association, must be freed from jail.  Now.
    1. http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=f3995b46c18cb039818f29a32&id=743afdde6e&e=24162ce1e6
    2. http://www.labourstart.org/cgi-bin/solidarityforever/show_campaign.cgi?c=1247&src=lsmm

His name is Mahdi ‘Issa Mahdi Abu Dheeb. He’s the president of the Bahraini Teachers Association.
And he’s in jail because of his trade union activities.

Mahdi’s health is rapidly deteriorating and the global union federation for teachers, the Education International, has called for a massive online
campaign of protest.
It will take you just a minute or so to send off your message — and it might well save Mahdi’s life.

[3]Please click here to learn more and to send off your message.
    3. http://www.labourstart.org/cgi-bin/solidarityforever/show_campaign.cgi?c=1247&src=lsmm

And then — please forward this message on to your friends, co-workers and fellow trade unionists.

Thanks very much.

Eric Lee_Copyright © 2012 LabourStart, All rights reserved.

This is one of LabourStart’s online campaigns.  You can help save the life of a jailed trade union leader in Bahrain.

Mahdi ‘Issa Mahdi Abu Dheeb, President of the Bahraini Teachers Association, must be freed from jail.  Now.
    1. http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=f3995b46c18cb039818f29a32&id=743afdde6e&e=24162ce1e6
    2. http://www.labourstart.org/cgi-bin/solidarityforever/show_campaign.cgi?c=1247&src=lsmm

His name is Mahdi ‘Issa Mahdi Abu Dheeb. He’s the president of the Bahraini Teachers Association.
And he’s in jail because of his trade union activities.

Mahdi’s health is rapidly deteriorating and the global union federation for teachers, the Education International, has called for a massive online
campaign of protest.
It will take you just a minute or so to send off your message — and it might well save Mahdi’s life.

[3]Please click here to learn more and to send off your message.
    3. http://www.labourstart.org/cgi-bin/solidarityforever/show_campaign.cgi?c=1247&src=lsmm

And then — please forward this message on to your friends, co-workers and fellow trade unionists.

Thanks very much.

Eric Lee_Copyright © 2012 LabourStart, All rights reserved.

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