
The Irish Anti-War Movement

Protest Against the US Military Misuse of Shannon Airport

Shannonwatch Vigil
Sunday, 14 November · 14:00 – 15:00
At Shannon Airport – just before entrance (small roundabout before the security hut)
Regular second-Sunday-of the-month vigil to protest against the war industry’s presence at Shannon, and to demand accountability for years of involvement in the destruction of Iraq & Afghanistan.
Remember also that we still haven’t had any accountability or change in policy regarding the inspection of planes at Shannon. It is known that CIA rendition planes have passed through, and we may now have CIA assination squads using the airport. We may also have deadly and illegal weapons that are used to kill civilians passing through. Without a proper inspections policy we will not know.
Website: www.shannonwatch.org
Email: shannonwatch@gmail.com 

Shannonwatch Vigil
Sunday, 14 November · 14:00 – 15:00
At Shannon Airport – just before entrance (small roundabout before the security hut)
Regular second-Sunday-of the-month vigil to protest against the war industry’s presence at Shannon, and to demand accountability for years of involvement in the destruction of Iraq & Afghanistan.
Remember also that we still haven’t had any accountability or change in policy regarding the inspection of planes at Shannon. It is known that CIA rendition planes have passed through, and we may now have CIA assination squads using the airport. We may also have deadly and illegal weapons that are used to kill civilians passing through. Without a proper inspections policy we will not know.
Website: www.shannonwatch.org
Email: shannonwatch@gmail.com 

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