PROTEST AT DÁIL 12-5pm, FRIDAY 23rd AUGUST WITH RALLY at 1.00-2.30pm

Please join us and other groups at the Dáil this coming Friday 23rd August anytime between 12-5pm, but especially if you can between 1.00-2.30pm. Let us make some noise to let the US Congress members know that they must stop enabling genocide in Gaza.

There is also an IPSC protest this Saturday 24th August at 1pm. We will be there with our banner STOP US-ISRAELI STATE TERROR. See flyer here:

IAWM PRESS RELEASE, 22 August 2024

A collective of Palestinian Solidarity groups will protest outside Dáil Eireann this Friday 23rd August. A letter written by the groups to all TDs and Senators calls on them to rescind the invitation given to visiting US Congress members to use the Dáil chamber on 23rd August. The letter is copied below and people are invited to send it to TDs and Senators via a link circulated on social media.

The groups that have organised the letter and the protest at the Dáil this Friday are:

  • Apartheid Free Arts
  • Irish Artists for Palestine
  • Irish Creative Arts for Palestine 
  • Irish Occupational Therapists for Palestine
  • Irish Health Care Workers for Palestine 
  • Mothers Against Genocide 
  • Pals for Palestine 
  • Teachers for Palestine
  • The Union of Students in Ireland
  • The Irish Anti-war Movement

The letter argues that the Government is out of step with the Irish people, the vast majority of whom have shown total solidarity with the people of Palestine, have called for an immediate ceasefire, massive humanitarian aid to the starving Gazans and to impose sanctions on Israel. In this regard, it is highly objectionable that members of the US Congress who recently hosted and applauded the war criminal Netanyahu, and who have consistently approved the transfer of arms to Israel and thus are enabling a genocide, should be granted the use of the Dáil chamber in neutral Ireland.

The most recent announcement of $30 billion worth of arms from the US makes the visit by the US Congress delegation all the more inappropriate.

The current genocidal war being inflicted by Israel on the people of Gaza has witnessed slaughter on an unprecedented scale, the systematic destruction of the means to sustain life, the institutionalisation of rape as a weapon of war, forced starvation, multiple displacements, extrajudicial assassinations in other countries’ sovereign territory and the threat of a wider regional war.

Given the strong condemnations by Taoiseach Simon Harris and Tánaiste Micheál Martin of the Israeli airstrike on the al-Taba’een school which slaughtered over one hundred Gazans almost two weeks ago they both should now openly call for this invitation to the US Congress members to be rescinded. Otherwise, their words are meaningless

Jim Roche, PRO of the Steering Committee of the IAWM said:

The Gaza genocide is enabled by Western powers, particularly the USA which has provided the necessary arms for Israel to conduct its war crimes. Israel would agree to a peace deal immediately if this arms funding were stopped. Yet Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was recently feted in the White House and received standing ovations in Congress.

It is unbelievable that the Irish Government has invited members of the US Congress, who applauded and gave standing ovations to Netanyahu, to use the Irish Dáil chamber on the 23rd of August. This invitation, along with the prolonged use of Shannon Airport by the US military, implicates all Irish people in the current Gaza genocide. We demand that it be rescinded.”



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