
The Irish Anti-War Movement


The Irish Anti-War Movement (IAWM) will hold a protest tomorrow (Friday 26th Feb) at 5pm outside the Dail to demand the government impose sanctions on Israel in response to the outrage where seven falsified Irish passports were used to facilitate the assassins of senior Hamas figure, Mahmoud Al Mabhouh, in Dubai.


The IAWM said it was inexplicable that Israel was being treated with kid gloves by both the Irish government and the international community when it had committed an outrage that showed complete contempt for international law, human rights, and the soveignity of Ireland and other states.


The IAWM pointed out that if Iran were implicated in such outrages it might well be used as a pretext for military attacks and certainly tougher sanctions, while no action whatsoever was even being discussed in relation to Israel.  

The Irish Anti-War Movement (IAWM) will hold a protest tomorrow (Friday 26th Feb) at 5pm outside the Dail to demand the government impose sanctions on Israel in response to the outrage where seven falsified Irish passports were used to facilitate the assassins of senior Hamas figure, Mahmoud Al Mabhouh, in Dubai.


The IAWM said it was inexplicable that Israel was being treated with kid gloves by both the Irish government and the international community when it had committed an outrage that showed complete contempt for international law, human rights, and the soveignity of Ireland and other states.


The IAWM pointed out that if Iran were implicated in such outrages it might well be used as a pretext for military attacks and certainly tougher sanctions, while no action whatsoever was even being discussed in relation to Israel.  


The IAWM said that, following the horrors inflicted by Israel on the people of Gaza last year and decades where Israel had denied Palestinians the most basic human rights, this latest Israeli action was proof of the need for the international community to isolate and boycott Israel economically and diplomatically.


The IAWM called on the Irish government to expel the Israeli ambassador and institute sanctions on Israel as were done to apartheid South Africa.



Richard Boyd Barrett chairperson of the IAWM said:


"It really is incredible that Israel could so brazenly carry out an extra judicial execution and in the process abuse the sovereignity of this country and others and that no action whatsoever is being taken against them.


It is patently obvious that this assassination was carried out by Israel and that they are responsible for stealing Irish and other passport numbers and manufacturing false passports. If Israel were innocent they would have issue a denial and repudiated the action. They have not done this. This speaks for itself. 


The assassination is further evidence of the cold-blooded brutality of Israel and its utter contempt for international law and human rights and the soveriegnity Ireland and other states.


The use of falsfied Irish passports and addresses is an affront to Irish sovereignity, which could potentially endanger Irish citizens and passport holders travelling in the Middle east in the future. It shows Israel has absolutely no respect for our laws, our international standing or the safety of our citizens.


With this outrage, we have got yet another glimpse of Israel’s criminal immorality as a state and a taste of the sort of brutality and flagrant disregard for human rights that is experienced, day in day out, by the suffering Palestinian people.


The double standards being applied to Israel after this action are bewildering. If Iran was implicated in an action like this, it is highly likely that it would be used as a pretext for a military assault on the country or at the very least we would hear demands for hard-hitting sanctions. Yet Israel is treated with kid gloves and there is not even a mention of sanctions or diplomatic expulsions.Clearly, there is one law for Israel and one law for Muslim states in the International community. 


Surely now, after this outrage, the horrors inflicted on the people of Gaza last year, and the ongoing persecution of the Palestinian people, it is time to recognise that Israel is a rogue state that should be boycotted and isolated by the International community. It is utterly scandalous that Israel should have a privilegdged political and economic relationship with the EU when it engages so regularly in outarages against Palestinains and against other countries and their citizens.

It is beyond comprehension that the Irish government are taking no action to sanction Israel. If the Irish government had any self respect, it would expel the Israeli ambassador and impose sanctions, in response to this outrageous abuse of Irish sovereignity, not to mention for committing the crime of an extra judicial execution. 


That’s what we will demanding when we protest outside the Dail tomorrow and we hope members of the public who share our sense of anger about this issue will join the protest tomorrow."


 For more information/confirmation:


Richard Boyd Barrett 086-7814520

Jim Roche 087-6472737

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