
The Irish Anti-War Movement

REMINDER – IAWM PUBLIC MEETING The new ‘War on Terror’ – is there a clash of Civilizations?


1. REMINDER – IAWM PUBLIC MEETING this Saturday 21 February
Donating to the IAWM


1. Public Meeting – The new ‘War on Terror’ – is there a clash of Civilizations? – see attached poster


Location: The Teachers Club, Parnell Square, Dublin 1.
Date & Time: 2.30pm, Saturday 21 February 2015


1. REMINDER – IAWM PUBLIC MEETING this Saturday 21 February
Donating to the IAWM


1. Public Meeting – The new ‘War on Terror’ – is there a clash of Civilizations? – see attached poster


Location: The Teachers Club, Parnell Square, Dublin 1.
Date & Time: 2.30pm, Saturday 21 February 2015


• Richard Boyd Barrett TD
• Rev. Patrick Comerford, President Irish CND
• Ed Horgan, Shannonwatch
• Patricia Mc Kenna, People’s Movement
• US Peace mum Cindy Sheehan (via Skype)


The world is unquestionably a much more dangerous place since the US led invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people have been killed and injured. Millions have been displaced. Meanwhile western governments support the subjugation of democracy movements (though often pretending not to), plan further military interventions, provide arms to despotic regimes and continue to support the state of Israel in its daily subjugation and acts of terror against the people of Palestine.


Sectariansism has been stoked by these western interventions and has led to the rise of reactionary forces such as Islamic State and an increase in acts of terrorism in the west. This is presented by many western governments as a clash of civilisations and hence the need for a new war on terror. But is there such a clash and what really is driving the complete breakdown of society in parts of Iraq and Syria, the rise of groups such as Islamic State and the rise in terrorist attacks?


Come along to join in analysis of these issues with our guest speakers.


2. Donating to the Irish Anti-War Movement.
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