
The Irish Anti-War Movement

Sat 5th June 2pm Garden of Remberance Dublin – Flotilla Deportees to Speak in Dublin

Date(s): 5 Jun 2010

Time(s): 2:00PM

Area: Dublin

Venue: The Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Sq

Flotilla Deportees to Speak at Mass Demonstration in Dublin on Saturday

IPSC Calls for huge mobilisition

Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Press Release – 2nd June 2010, 4.30pm

Date(s): 5 Jun 2010

Time(s): 2:00PM

Area: Dublin

Venue: The Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Sq

Flotilla Deportees to Speak at Mass Demonstration in Dublin on Saturday

IPSC Calls for huge mobilisition

Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Press Release – 2nd June 2010, 4.30pm

The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) has called a mass demonstration for 2pm this Saturday in Dublin at which the Freedom Flotilla deportees will speak. The demonstration will assemble at 2pm at the Garden of Remembrance and from there will march to the Department of Foreign Affairs on St. Stephen’s Green.

Dr David Landy, Chairperson of the IPSC said: "We are calling on the Irish public, civil society and all political parties to support us in this demonstration that will welcome home the Irish heroes of the Freedom Flotilla who were kidnapped at sea in an act of Israeli piracy, while their comrades were murdered. It is vitally important that the Irish public come out on the streets and show their support and solidarity with the Freedom Flotilla and the besieged people of Gaza. We look forward to hearing the prisoners’ stories of their experiences free of the spin of the Israeli PR machine."

Dr Landy continued: "We are also calling on the public to support the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel." Dr Landy went on to outline proposals that the IPSC was asking the Irish government to take:

(1) End its arms trade with Israel, e.g. the purchase of helmets and bullets from Israeli

(2) Support the suspension of the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement until Israel
complies with international law

(3) Ensure that the ‘silent upgrade’ of EU-Israeli relations is halted until Israel complies
with international law

(4) Work to reverse Israel’s premature accession to the OECD

(5) Withdraw its ambassador from Tel Aviv as other countries have done, and expel the
Israeli ambassador to Ireland.

(6) Exercise pressure on Irish multinational CRH to divest from its Israeli subsidiary that is
engaged in building the Separation Wall deemed illegal by the International Court of
Justice in 2005

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