Save Palestine From German Leadership

written by Raymond Deane July 23, 2024

Raymond Deane explains the background to Germany’s unrepenting pro-Zionist stance.

In the wake of October 7th, von der Leyen visited Israel and, without consulting European leaders, expressed unswerving solidarity with that rogue state on behalf of the EU. The backlash was immediate. An anonymous diplomat complained that this “is not the line member states agreed.” Iratxe García, leader of the Socialists and Democrats in the Ëuropean Parliament, opined that von der Leyen was “upholding an unacceptable bias that can only cause harm.” Despite this, on 18th July 2024 she was officially re-elected President of the EU Commission with 401 votes to 284, thus cementing German hegemony within the EU.

Already notorious for its repression of pro-Palestinian opinion, Germany has outdone itself since 7th October. Its cancelling of pro-Palestinian artists and academics now resembles the Berufsverbote (“professional bans”) of the Nazi period. In April 2024 2500 riot police were deployed to shut down a 3-day Palestine Congress in Berlin although its organisers had agreed to all conditions laid down by the police. Subsequent pro-Palestinian demonstrations, particularly in Berlin, have been met with appalling police brutality, often directed against anti-Zionist Jews.


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