Shannonwatch Update

Shannonwatch Update

5th January 2012

1. Remember that our Monthly Vigil takes place at Shannon on Sunday January 8th at 2pm. Please come along if you can, and encourage others to do so too..

2. Taoiseach Enda Kenny does not practice what he preaches …

What Taoiseach Enda Kenny says: (1) Ireland is at the fore of promoting peace, justice, security and development. (2) "… the Irish people have demonstrated an instinctive respect for peace, justice and human rights. It is absolutely right that these values are transmitted to the next generation."


Shannonwatch Update

5th January 2012

1. Remember that our Monthly Vigil takes place at Shannon on Sunday January 8th at 2pm. Please come along if you can, and encourage others to do so too..

2. Taoiseach Enda Kenny does not practice what he preaches …

What Taoiseach Enda Kenny says: (1) Ireland is at the fore of promoting peace, justice, security and development. (2) "… the Irish people have demonstrated an instinctive respect for peace, justice and human rights. It is absolutely right that these values are transmitted to the next generation."


What Taoiseach Enda Kenny does: (1) Allows an Irish airport to be used by armed occupation forces on their way to Afghanistan, where they contribute to ongoing suffering, injustice and insecurity. (2) Refuses to investigate clear evidence that US torture aircraft and crews have used Shannon Airport, and allows US forces linked to war crimes to continue to use the airport.

Full article at

3. Remember also that people are still being detained illegally in Guantanamo Bay

January 11, 2012 marks the tenth anniversary of the opening of the detention camp at Guantánamo Bay, where most of the 171 men deprived of their freedom remain detained without any charges or a fair trial. Despite the fact that the U.S. government has itself cleared more than half of these men for release, and despite President Obama’s promise on his second day in office to close Guantánamo within a year, it has been almost twelve months since anyone has been released. This is the longest period of time that has elapsed since the prison’s opening without a single person being set free. In addition the Obama administration has also extended some of the worst aspects of the Guantánamo system by continuing indefinite detentions without charge or trial, employing illegitimate military commissions to try some suspects, and blocking accountability for torture.

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