Statement: Obama wins Presidency


Written by Press Office   
Obama wins US Presidency

The Stop the War Coalition is delighted that Barack Obama has won the US Presidential elections. His election is a result of the rejection of war and racism on the part of millions of Americans. Obama would not have won the Democratic nomination, never mind the Presidency, without his forthright opposition to the Iraq war and his commitment to withdraw US troops.
He must now be held to that commitment, with a full and complete end of the disastrous occupation. The British government should work with him urgently to that end.

However, other dangers remain.The anti-war movement must remain mobilised since Obama is in favour of strengthening the NATO presence in the failing occupation of Afghanistan and has not ruled out the possibility of attacking Iran.

The Bush doctrine of endless wars has been delivered a blow, but the tendency of the US elite to seek global domination will not be easily reversed. Those who voted for Obama in the US must keep the pressure up against their warmongers and so must we in this country.

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