
The Irish Anti-War Movement

Support the Raytheon 9 Special Bus To Belfast 7AM 19-5-08 From Royal Dublin Hotel

Support the Raytheon 9 Special Bus To Belfast 7AM 19-5-08 From Royal Dublin Hotel
1. The Bus for the Raytheon 9
2. Irish Anti-War Movement AGM 24th May 2008
1. The Bus for the Raytheon 9
The Raytheon 9 will appear in court in Belfast on 19 May. The Irish
Anti War Movement is organising a bus to go to Belfast to support
these antiwar activists.
To Book tickets either book on line at www.irishantiwar.org or
call 087 2886646.
The campaign will be bringing witnesses from Lebanon and will be using
their trial to highlight the real criminality- Israeli aggression in
Lebanon and Palestine and the arms manufacturers that benefits from this
The trial has been moved to Belfast because the Prosecution Service applied
to have it moved; it argued that the Derry jury pool is likely to know too
much about the campaign against Raytheon, including the non-violent direct
action taken on 9th August 2006 and that any jury from Derry might be too

Support the Raytheon 9 Special Bus To Belfast 7AM 19-5-08 From Royal Dublin Hotel
1. The Bus for the Raytheon 9
2. Irish Anti-War Movement AGM 24th May 2008
1. The Bus for the Raytheon 9
The Raytheon 9 will appear in court in Belfast on 19 May. The Irish
Anti War Movement is organising a bus to go to Belfast to support
these antiwar activists.
To Book tickets either book on line at www.irishantiwar.org or
call 087 2886646.
The campaign will be bringing witnesses from Lebanon and will be using
their trial to highlight the real criminality- Israeli aggression in
Lebanon and Palestine and the arms manufacturers that benefits from this
The trial has been moved to Belfast because the Prosecution Service applied
to have it moved; it argued that the Derry jury pool is likely to know too
much about the campaign against Raytheon, including the non-violent direct
action taken on 9th August 2006 and that any jury from Derry might be too
sympathetic to the action and/or intimidated by the level of support for
the Raytheon 9 because of all the protests held outside the courthouse
over the almost two years since the nine were arrested.
We have to make sure there is a big, vibrant and noisy crowd at the
courthouse on the 19th so join the bus to Belfast!!!
The background: In August 2006 following a public meeting hosted by The
Derry Anti War Coalition, at which Joshua Casteel, former Abu Ghraib
interrogator was speaking, a decision was made by all present, to take
At the same time Israel was attacking Lebanon, killing thousands and
injuring more.
There was a protest at the Raytheon factory in Derry and 9 activists from
the DAWC managed to get in, occupy and close down the factory in Derry.
Raytheon is one of the largest arms manufacturers in the world. It supplies
guidance systems for many of the missiles and bombs used by US and Israeli
forces. In 2006 Raytheon systems guided the Qana bomb to the bunker where
it blasted and crushed at least 51 people to death .
For further info: www.raytheon9.org
For information on the buses and/or to book your ticket
call 087 2886646.
2. Irish Anti-War Movement AGM 24th May 2008
The annual general meeting of the Irish Anti-War Movement will take
place on 24th May 2008 in the Royal Dublin Hotel, O Connell St Dublin.
All paid up members are entitled to attend the AGM.
1. All members may attend a general meeting provided that the current
membership fee has been paid in advance of the meeting. All affiliates
may send one delegate to a general meeting provided that the current
affiliation fee has been paid in advance of the meeting.
2. All members and delegates have one vote each at a general meeting.
3. A decision of a general meeting of the IAWM is binding on the SC and
overrides any previous decisions. This constitution may only be amended
by a general meeting. However, amendments to this constitution may be
made by the next quarterly delegate meeting held after the general
meeting of 08 May 2004, which adopted this constitution.
4. A steering committee shall be elected at each AGM.
5. Draft resolutions and nominations for the steering committee should
be submitted to the Secretary at least 14 days beforehand. The secretary
shall publish draft resolutions at least 7 days beforehand.
Submitting Resolutions
Resolutions may be submitted the secretary via e-mail Secretary

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