
The Irish Anti-War Movement

United Against Racism: Refugee Solidarity Rally

IAWM Press Release, 20 November 2015
United Against Racism: Refugee Solidarity Rally
Saturday 21 November, 1pm
The Spire, O’Connell St., Dublin.
The Irish Anti-War Movement (IAWM) is supporting the solidarity rally for refugees tomorrow at 1pm, Saturday 21 November at the Spire, O Connell Street Dublin. The rally, planned several weeks ago, is organised by Unite Against Racism and is supported by a multitude of organisations.
The theme of the rally is ‘Winter is Coming: We have not Forgotten!’
The IAWM noted that even prior to the events in Paris last weekend the attitude of EU Governments towards refugees had begun to harden. This looks likely to get worse with many right wing politicians and some media outlets drawing links between refugees and terrorism. This is ironic given that the refugees are fleeing the horrific experience of terrorism that Paris witnessed last weekend whether this be from shootings, suicide bombings, shellings or bombs from the air and whether these are carried out by Isis, Assad’s forces or the air forces of France, the U.S. or Russia.
Jim Roche, PRO IAWM, noted:
“It is important that we continue to highlight the plight of the refugees who are are making incredibly brave and dangerous journeys fleeing from the violence of wars prolonged, if not directly instigated, by western governments. We have a duty in the west to offer shelter to these refugees and equally importantly to stop the wars that lead to both the refugee crisis and the rise in terrorist attacks. We owe it to the memory of all the victims of terrorism, whether they be in Paris, Beirut, Baghdad or Raqqa.”
United Against Racism organiser Memet Uludag said;

IAWM Press Release, 20 November 2015
United Against Racism: Refugee Solidarity Rally
Saturday 21 November, 1pm
The Spire, O’Connell St., Dublin.
The Irish Anti-War Movement (IAWM) is supporting the solidarity rally for refugees tomorrow at 1pm, Saturday 21 November at the Spire, O Connell Street Dublin. The rally, planned several weeks ago, is organised by Unite Against Racism and is supported by a multitude of organisations.
The theme of the rally is ‘Winter is Coming: We have not Forgotten!’
The IAWM noted that even prior to the events in Paris last weekend the attitude of EU Governments towards refugees had begun to harden. This looks likely to get worse with many right wing politicians and some media outlets drawing links between refugees and terrorism. This is ironic given that the refugees are fleeing the horrific experience of terrorism that Paris witnessed last weekend whether this be from shootings, suicide bombings, shellings or bombs from the air and whether these are carried out by Isis, Assad’s forces or the air forces of France, the U.S. or Russia.
Jim Roche, PRO IAWM, noted:
“It is important that we continue to highlight the plight of the refugees who are are making incredibly brave and dangerous journeys fleeing from the violence of wars prolonged, if not directly instigated, by western governments. We have a duty in the west to offer shelter to these refugees and equally importantly to stop the wars that lead to both the refugee crisis and the rise in terrorist attacks. We owe it to the memory of all the victims of terrorism, whether they be in Paris, Beirut, Baghdad or Raqqa.”
United Against Racism organiser Memet Uludag said;
“Following the appalling outrage in Paris there is the danger this atrocity will claim even more victims among the refugees who are fleeing the same terror, on an even larger scale, in Syria and elsewhere. This is why we think it is now, more than ever, necessary to stand in solidarity with refugees and say Refugees Welcome Here!”
After the public rally there will be a Public Meeting and the launch of the PANA booklet, ‘Shannon Airport and 21st Century War’ organised by the Peace and Neutrality Alliance (PANA).

Public Meeting: The Bitter Fruits of the Iraq War


Venue: Labour History Society, Beggars Bush Barracks, Haddington Road, Dublin 4.


Time: 3.30pm, Saturday 21 November.


Speakers include:

Chair; Lyn Boylan MEP

Richard Boyd Barret TD, President IAWM

Brendan Butler, Peace Alliance


Roger Cole, Chair of PANA

Jim Roche, PRO, Steering Committee IAWM, Tel. 087 647 2737

Memet Uludag, Steering Committee IAWM, Tel. 087 7919307,

John Molyneux, Secretary, Steering Committee IAWM, Tel. 085 735 6424

Edward Horgan, Steering Committee IAWM, 085 8519623 

Michael Youlton, Chair, Steering Committee IAWM, Tel. 086 815 9487

Gearóid Kilgallen, Steering Committee IAWM, 01 2800866


For more information on the IAWM see:
Website – www.irishantiwar.org
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