
The Irish Anti-War Movement

US Military out of Shannon- Shannonwatch vigil.

SUN 8/6 2-3pm
US Military out of Shannon- Shannonwatch vigil.
Small roundabout  – just before Shannon airport entrance

As US & NATO use the situation in Ukraine as an opportunity to raise their defence budgets, and Obama seeks to ramp up military capacity along Russia’s border, the warplanes continue to come through Shannon Airport. All the while the Fine Gael / Labour government remains silent about the role Shannon is expected to play in US / NATO plans – just as they and the previous government remained silent about its role in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Last week a case in Ennis District Court showed how Gardai are targeting peace activists at Shannon instead of investigating violations of national and international law by CIA and US military personnel passing through the airport (See ‘Case Dismissed: Peace Activists Have No Charges to Answer’ on our website www.shannonwatch.org). This highlights a grotesque imbalance in how the law is being used to facilitate global injustices.
Come along to our monthly peace vigil outside the airport  to show your opposition to this ongoing situation. Add your voice to our demands for an end to the State’s complicity in war and human rights abuse and the harassment of people who are highlighting it.

SUN 8/6 2-3pm
US Military out of Shannon- Shannonwatch vigil.
Small roundabout  – just before Shannon airport entrance

As US & NATO use the situation in Ukraine as an opportunity to raise their defence budgets, and Obama seeks to ramp up military capacity along Russia’s border, the warplanes continue to come through Shannon Airport. All the while the Fine Gael / Labour government remains silent about the role Shannon is expected to play in US / NATO plans – just as they and the previous government remained silent about its role in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Last week a case in Ennis District Court showed how Gardai are targeting peace activists at Shannon instead of investigating violations of national and international law by CIA and US military personnel passing through the airport (See ‘Case Dismissed: Peace Activists Have No Charges to Answer’ on our website www.shannonwatch.org). This highlights a grotesque imbalance in how the law is being used to facilitate global injustices.
Come along to our monthly peace vigil outside the airport  to show your opposition to this ongoing situation. Add your voice to our demands for an end to the State’s complicity in war and human rights abuse and the harassment of people who are highlighting it.

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